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Kefir Kana

Original: Keefe smirked (A/N record breaking, never did happen before)

Sophie: "Try to cover your nose, but it will find out what the capital of Saskatchewan is. I'm not interested." "Isn't it?"

Original: "Try to down this in one go—and plug your nose." Sophie did as he asked. But she still got a taste of something that reminded her way too much of the way sasquatches smelled. "Ugh, what's in that? Actually, never mind. I don't think I want to know." "You don't."

The "all is well" warranty will be fulfilled after the owner. Swallow came into the room and opened the door for her mother and father. (A/N bestie what-)

Original: "I'M FINE," FITZ PROMISED, EVEN as Mr. Snuggles went flying across the room and crashed into the door his parents had just exited through.


Original: All the cool kids sleep with stuffed animals

"?" Anne "

Original: "And Fitz freaked," Marella added. "So . . . you should probably check on your boyfriend." Sophie couldn't tell if Marella was teasing or not."

| | | There's a lot to do: Alvin urges Kaif to study one day.

Original: So . . . there really wasn't much she could do—except have Elwin tell Keefe she needed to skip the day's skill lesson, since Keefe's teasing and Fitz's fragile mood would surely be a disastrous combination.

But he will go with Morella. Don't run away until he and Santor go. There, Alicorn and Evergalen  gave Grady and Adeline many questions and answers.

Original: She did take Marella's advice, though, and reached out telepathically to Fitz as soon as she crawled into bed—once she'd survived Sandor's "Seriously—no more running off!" lecture and answered Grady's and Edaline's ten thousand questions about Tam and the alicorns and everything that happened at Everglen.

! Libya

Original: "Awwww, look at you guys, all snuggly with your little stuffed animals!" a familiar voice called from the doorway, and they both turned to find Livvy grinning at them.

The capital of  Saskatchewan is..... REGINA! *colective gasp* "how could they ever figure it out!" "It's not like there's a thing called search engines which let you look up stuff and information where you can find then capital of  Saskatchewan along with other places !". "They're too powerful!" *someones faints*

" Anne " of green gables? I loved, actually love, that book.

I was just looking at the world map and Libya's actually a country in North Africa if I remember  correctly-  (somehow I was correct. Idk how that happened but I was)

That's a weird semi coincidence 

Our precious Alvin was mentioned again so know we know they probably want themselfs and everyone else do well if they are urging their friend to study. (Why do I sound like I'm either stalking this guy or doing a report on them.)

"Swallow came into the room"?

What do you have to swallow?

A pill, a cookie, a drink, that would be pretty sketchy.

Or is some person named Swallow going into the room?

What terrible parents or parent would name their child Swallow-

I really do sound like I'm trying to analyze this chapter or do a report on it, unfortunately I bet I sound like this every time I post a chapter, so sorry 'bout that- 😂

Grady and Edwline are weirdly doing a Q&A, in which only two people are participating  and one of them might be an evergreen tree. Can't forget the other animal an alicorn, which is pretty sweet, definitely a lot cooler then a evergreen tree, The evergreen's still pretty cool if it can talk.

Also who is promising what and to who? Who is making a promise, why? Can we know? 

The amount of plot holes, how dare they,

(I get such bizarre memories from the word Promise)

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