Like accidental sweat liquid, the main pumpkin will not make a valley.

8 0 5

That's why you laugh at oil for the first time, so it's worth buying products.

Original: Man, one second you're sharing your air with a dude, and the next second he's trying to get you punched in the face

Where are we going then? You wanted to go nowhere.

Original: If they hadn't been sparkly flying horses, Sophie would've teased them for flirting."

When she retired, she saw that her dreams - Guyana and a pensioner - belonged to Aram Orient Cipilaki Pemda.

Original: She was dreaming of mallowmelt and custard bursts and cute boys flying on alicorns when a voice dragged her back to consciousness.

Sofia chalk α =.

Original: though Sophie had to keep tilting her legs so her butt wouldn't go numb.

"Domine Walker," Suff asked. Hey, I gave up.

 Original: "This is Mr. Forkle," Sophie said. "He . . . takes a little getting used to."

- Well, windows is your conspiracy! It's clear that Sophia Ostium is nothing. 'You can't have it! "

Original: "Cool, your window is right across from mine!" Keefe said, opening Sophie's curtains. "We could throw things at each other!"

I have nothing to say.

None of these make any sense 

Not that they ever make sense 

The title doesn't even make sense 

Kotlc moments, but it's google translate.Where stories live. Discover now