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(A/N Sorry I didn't post yesterday, my internet decided to die and is still doing so)

Forever (A/N FINALLY INDRODUCING LOONA ARE YOU GIRLS READY OKAY! LOVE4EVA! *Cue the lyrics to Forever by Aespa (That autocorrected to Aesop- (now it autocorrected to Aesoa- 😭😂)) along with Love4eva by loona Yyxy)

Original: ANYtime

"I know I haven't given you presents in a long time. I went to the Atlantic this morning ... Bayana always said I wasn't talented ... I thought shaving my sister was weird. "" Yes .. Leo. (A/N speaking of Leo's what are y'all's zodiac signs?)

Original: "I realized it'd been a while since I gave you a present. So I snuck over to Atlantis this morning and . . ." He reached into the pocket of his burgundy cape and pulled out a small silver box. "I really hope you don't hate it. Biana's always telling me I have the worst taste in gifts—but . . . I figured it'd be weird letting my sister shop for my . . . for you.

-? . -? . ""

Original: "So are you going to tell us where we're going?" Keefe asked. "Or do you want us to guess? My money's on Fitz's room, since the amount of hair products in there is kind of a legacy

Hey (A/N inspirational, never been done before.)

Original: There's never a good time to almost die. (A/N also inspirational)


Original:"Is it, now?" Ro patted the chaise next to her. "Well then, why don't you sit right here and tell Auntie Ro all about it?" "Auntie Ro?" Sophie, Sandor, and Keefe all asked in unison. Ro shrugged. "What? I can be nurturing when I want to be." That would've been a lot easier to believe if she weren't using a dagger to clean beneath her claws."

think about it. "Okay! Okay, I will bring all evil to your table! This is my hero!"

Original: Ro blinked. "Wow! Okay—I officially take back every bad thing I've ever said about your Councillors! They're my heroes! All hail the sparkle-fied twelve for breaking up the Great Fitzphie!" (A/N Ro's the best.)

Sophie ignored the humiliation, but when she decided to hit Princess Roga's hidden baby hair, the fun came.

Original: Sophie ignored the insult—but might've allowed herself half a smile when Ro coughed something that sounded like "awfully smug for a tiny hairless dude" from wherever the ogre princess had tucked herself away in the shadows. (A/N Ro's the best, Part 2.)

Together. It's like, "Oh, I want to do this! Do you want to do this?"

Original: "Easy. You'll say, 'Wow, that's the hottest Wanderling I've ever seen! Who knew a tree could have awesome hair?' And then you'll all sit under my stunning leaves and write poems about my general amazingness. (A/N Keefe, and Ro, probably the best characters in the book)

Shaving your sister isn't weird at all


Definitely not

Ahh yess the famous google translate quote "-? . -? . ""

I swear I've seen this one before....

Isn't the title cheerful?

According to my knowledge about young adult and middle school fantasy books I think bringing a force of evil to someones actual table wouldn't count yourself as a hero. In fact, you would most definitely be the villain of the one that everyone hates,

Also we yet again have another "." Quote!

At least they're consistent.

First Sophie was taking away jokes from the world and now in the course of one day she is now hitting people's hair..

*sniffle* my baby is growing up so much

Kotlc moments, but it's google translate.Where stories live. Discover now