Encourage them

8 0 6


Original: And the countdown to Nightfall had officially begun


Original: "Looks like we missed something," Fitz said, his eyes darting between the paintings and where Keefe's arms were wrapped around Sophie's waist.


Original: "Ohhhh, does this mean I get to stab Keefe?" Ro asked


Original: Embracing violence doesn't make you strong

This will continue

 Original: True strength comes from finding a peaceful alternative

 "You," he said. November

 Original: "Don't worry," he grunted. "Breathing is overrated." "It is,"

What do you want to do in Jehovah's temple?

 Original: "What was that?" Keefe asked. "Did the Mysterious Miss F. just agree that I'm a genius? Because that's what I heard! And it's filled my heart with all the warmest, softest fuzzies."

Is google translate making a parody of blackpink 'du du du du' or Oh My Girl's 'Dolphin' but instead it's 'uu uu dduu'

Everyone come listen to backkpiikk's uu uu dduu 

Also how did literally anything turn into 'uniform' or 'with' or actually sorry about my mistake 'WITH.' or 'we,'

It makes no sense but  really when has google translate done anything that makes sense

Also sorry this didn't post yesterday for some reason it wouldn't let me post it at 10:30 pm idk why

Kotlc moments, but it's google translate.Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant