! Are you 81830?

7 1 6

But he wants to spend more time caring for his sister, reading books, hurting her, talking to strangers, and encouraging others.

Original: but she wanted to give her sister more time to adjust before she dropped the I can read minds and teleport and inflict pain and speak any language and enhance other people's powers bombshells.

Thunder and Glishel immediately shouted.

Original: Sandor and Grizel, who instantly triggered a massive amount of screaming.

Sophia knew that she was thinking about Kankan, a member of the Ural Parliament who was waiting for her. She had been afraid for a long time that she would fall in love with Kenrick and Ural, but that didn't happen.

Original: Sophie had a feeling Oralie was also thinking about the day Councillor Kenric was taken from them. She'd long suspected that Kenric and Oralie had been in love, but never acted on it.

When he tried to resolve the conflict, he came out and shouted: "God bless you!"

Original: Keefe tried to break the tension, pumping his fist and shouting, "LORD HUNKYHAIR LIVES! Say it now, Ro. Say it!"

He walked to the chair, took Sophie's hand, looked at her and smiled. "Give me something to eat, I'm still by your side. What do I want to do."

Original: Keefe's smile looked determined as he stepped back and took Sophie's hand. "I'm always with you, Foster. What ever you want, I'm in.

"But why don't you need a bag? You have a lot of courage... well!"

Original: Why do clothes never have enough pockets? There should always be lots of pockets... the more pockets the better!

"Man's Name" "what does that mean?" ! "

Original: You're in this, like, Ultra Knight in Shining Armor mode-""Aw, you hear that, Ro? Foster thinks I'm her hero!

At first for the first quote I was like "oh that's cute" and then it just turned 

Imagine if there was actually a poly relationship in Kotlc? Imagine if lgbtq+ people got representation in children's books? That would be amazing, truly amazing.

I'm with Keefe, I would join anyone if they gave me food

Me at this chapter: "what does that mean?" ! "

Ah yess the best way to make people stop fighting screaming "GOD BLESS YOU" (no offense to religious people)

Oh my god they have so much courage for not having a bag! Holy shit wow 😮! Omg! These people need a round of applause! 👏🥵

Kotlc moments, but it's google translate.Where stories live. Discover now