Cats don't like hats, peacocks and green brooms.

7 0 4

Clean high beam lights. He says this is bigger than ever. We are one of them.

Original: "I'm done with food forever." "Me too," Dex agreed. "Me three," Biana said.

I usually tell the truth about my rights, but I can't.

Original: "Someday we'll face our family," Tam added. "But not until we're ready"

Other sweet vegetables have a sweet sweet taste.

Original: He grinned at her then, a real Keefe grin, and she let herself believe she was making the right decision.

Wayne said, "Oh, you want better for more visibility." Helleb says: "Life in science fiction is not a hobby, but they will know forever" - Where am I?

Original: "Ow, I just hit my shoulder," Biana cried. "Maybe it was on another naked statue," Keefe suggested. "EWWW, WHAT IF IT WAS?!"

The teacher said, "Don't worry. I'm hungry

Original: "Stop giving in to your weakness," her Coach told her. GROOOOOOOWWWWWWWLLLLLLLLLL! her stomach protested

Kid walk into class without homework, teacher: don't worry I'm hungry 

I'll just eat you.

Idk why I wrote that it's weird but,..

Eh I'm weird so it's not surprising. Also what will science fiction know forever?

Kotlc moments, but it's google translate.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora