Red, no, this is me ,,,,,,

6 0 6


Original: If it makes you feel any better," Biana added, uncoiling the knot in her hair and looking way too good for someone who'd just survived a showdown with their enemy.

Wolf. If you want to escape, you have to get rid of it, you have to get rid of it. Hy iv ‡ g i gva¨ c g c v தது— G i G m | Q |

Original: She'd chosen a pear-shaped fruit with a smooth teal skin. It looked too pretty to eat, and Sophie wished she'd gone with that instinct. It tasted like juicy cheese, and each bite felt greasier than the last.

Android 4.329 Noba can work in any home

Original: In all my four thousand, three hundred and twenty-nine years on this planet—

Ability to eliminate the effects of perfection, sleep and two-year images.

Original: Fitz, Dex, and Biana were practicing some sort of scissor-kick that would surely tear every muscle in her body

Cara T Seism, not CIS - Pamek. Rumba.

Original: "Or it could be a Panakes," Calla breathed. For a second Sophie thought Calla had said "Pancakes" and found herself picturing a tree made of fluffy griddle cakes drizzled with syrup and butter.

How did the first quote turn into a period. Just a plain period and don't get me started on the fact that 'he'd chosen a pear-shaped fruit with a smooth teal skin. It looked too pretty to eat, and Sophie wished she'd gone with that instinct. It tasted like juicy cheese, and each bite felt greasier than the last.' translated into demon language.

It's official google translate is something from hell.

Kotlc moments, but it's google translate.Where stories live. Discover now