Alden, isn't it ours?

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You know you are wrong. Confusion

Original: Actually, he looks pretty good—y'know, when he's not gagging up bug venom.

"Not good?" All colors, including snow, are excellent. the best

Original: "You're not Alden, right?" Mr. Forkle laughed. "Even with every elixir ever made, I could never be that handsome." He had a point."

He is married. In fact, he is currently ranked third at Foxford. But in Stein he's not an actor like everyone else.

Original: I still am Sir Astin. Mind you, he's taking some time away from Foxfire now that you're a Level Three. But as far as our world is concerned, Sir Astin is off mapping stars.

He said, "Oh, I'm sorry to hear that!" "" "

Original: "Okay, I can buy us some time," Dex said, "but I'm going to have to ruin the obscurer." "Is that the only way?" Fitz asked. "No, I thought it'd be fun to make things extra hard and dangerous!

He said, "Oh, I'm sorry, I'm warning you."

Original: "Ugh, Keefe needs to get better," Dex mumbled. "I need someone to barf with me over Fitzphie."

Who says sorry after warning someone about something, like if someone warned you that you were going to die soon  it would jus the weird for them to say sorry for that. Also now apparently everyone in foxfire are actors besides one person, I thought foxfire was a school on magic not acting? I guess I just interpreted it the wrong way I'll go reread the books now.

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