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Couldn't stop me from telling the truth (A/N little sibling when you do something "mean" to them: . And then they go running to your parents and tell on you.)

Original: None of it had caused even the tiniest flashback.

"It's too late!" . What is your reason? ! .

Original: "And you should've heard the whining!" Ro chimed in. "And the sniveling. And the moronic escape plans. It's amazing he made it through without me bashing his pretty face." "Aw, did you hear that? Ro thinks I'm pretty! I mean—I usually go for more of a roguish handsome, but . . ." He tossed his hair and fluttered his eyelashes."

„Continue, ਕਰੋ Do whatever. -. '' (A/N the words of a person who's just done.)

Original: "Whatever it is, make it quick," Keefe added. "Some of us are running out of time." Ro snickered

- Every time I think about it, I hit my head against the wall. 'Help. I'm your daughter," Kiru told him.

Original: Whenever I think about it, I want to slam my head into the wall." "You ever need help with that, I'm your girl," Ro told him with a wink. (A/N I love her to much-)

"That's what I want," Paradise said excitedly. - I can't see it anymore ... it hurts and makes noise ... - Oh, I stop, don't you remember?

Original: "That's absolutely what they want," Ro interrupted. "Isn't that obvious? I mean . . . they exploded your bones—and filled you with those echo things, and—" "Uh, we're supposed to be keeping her calm, remember?" Keefe cut in

,,,,, Raktas

Original: Honestly, what was the point of having five bodyguards if they weren't around to save her from another miserable matchmaking conversation?

'' (A/N *applause* how original and creative.)

Original: Keefe whistled. "Remind me never to get on your bad side, Dizznee."

I wonder what a book by Ro would be like...

"The Terrible Impact of Sparkles"

"Tales of Oger Superiority"

"How to be Ducking Amazing"

Ahh I can see it now.

All of those sound amazing. 

Is this Paradise  (if that's a real name it's really cool) chick okay-

I'm kinda worried for them

Kiru also seems to not be okay. And they also have a cool name

What poor unfortunate jackass of a parent do they have if whenever they think about them they bang a head against a wall-

What would they do if they weren't near a wall like if they were in the middle of the ocean? Would they just swim until they found  something to bang there head against, like a piece of drift wood or animal?

Kiru's also saying the wall which makes it sound like it's always the same wall...

Are they forced to stay in the same room all there life like Rapunzel , which is why they hate their father so much and why they bang their head against the same wall whenever they have to go through the unfortunate  event of doing so much as thinking of their dad?

Idk why I'm trying to make sense of this. (To quote google translate themselves: What is your reason?)

Kotlc moments, but it's google translate.Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin