
7 1 6

Is the day sunny (A/N Oh, my deep ocean, You can call me wave, So sunny, sunnyyyy) Of what is said in the last paragraph. There is nothing wrong. We have at least a number of gauges.

 Original: It's a tremendous responsibility. One that every young generation must learn to carry. Adults may have wisdom and experience. But our youth are bold and brave and willing to fight for what they believe in with a formidable kind of energy.

To work hard. It is a very pleasing society. »

Original: She was officially starting to hate everybody. And herself. And the world.

I can't hear you saying, "People are not grateful."

Original: swear, watching boys try to communicate is like watching amoebas," Ro told Sophie during the long silence that followed. "You just stare at their blobby little bodies and think, 'How do these things even function?

"Spit on me", because we could not hear it.

Original: That's our girl," Keefe said quietly as Sophie snatched the green pill and gulped it down before she could change her mind. "Knew she was going to Foster it.

Team Like wins the team. "Well, there are many reasons for that." not like you

Original:  Sophie shook her head. "Uh, to quote you, 'There's no way you're investigating my past without me.' " He smirked. "Yeah, that argument's going to work about as well for you as it did for me. And come on, Foster, do you really think you're up for spending hours brainstorming bio-mommy-and-daddy names? You almost passed out after two minutes"

You know, I didn't like that. - Do you have a present? I saw a navy bag.

Original: "SO, QUESTION," DEX SAID, BREAKING the uncomfortable silence. "Can we get a cooler name? Because 'Team Prodigious (A/N that really is a sad name) ' is an epic fail."

- - - - Chen «Aa (A/N I just got flashbacks of that Aa backers meme) back

Original: "And hey," Grady added, "if this makes you decide to put the whole dating thing on hold for a while, I can definitely get behind that—OW!" He pulled back from the hug, rubbing the tender part of his arm where Edaline must have pinched him

How do you earn a living? "open", "open"

Original: How could I lose that much time?" "It's called almost dying," Edaline said gently. "Actually, it's called 'Fostering' now," Keefe corrected" (A/ if (how did that even autocorrect to nic?) you replace fostering  with what it actually means that sounds bad)

"Spit on me"

Wtf google translate- 😭

Google translate really has some smart logical things to say like of course "- - - - Chen «Aa back"

The person in quote six really has there priorities straight. Just focus on gifts.

Never fear, I have a gauge!

It prevents murder, burglars, and all other terrible things like  my 3rd grade substitute  (I had her on my birthday and omg she was a jerk) from happening! 

Nothing will ever go wrong if you have one of these handy dandy "instrument or device for measuring the magnitude, amount, or contents of something, typically with a visual display of such information." (from Oxford dictionaries)(what I just though that dictionary  have the world dictionary in them. Why is that so weird to think about)

"Well, there are many reasons for that." not like you"

Damn google translate, that was actually pretty good-.

NoW I can say I've been roasted by a search engine 

And remember everyone if you want to learn a living just open

That's it 

You'll never know what to open, is it your front door, yourself [kinda makes sense),  who knows, but you have to open something. Or maybe you have to put up a open sign (also kinda makes sense)

(Also the title for this chapters  kinda cute and simple which is rare. Yet it's so different from the original title (unsurprisingly))

Kotlc moments, but it's google translate.Where stories live. Discover now