Good night.

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The guard looked up. "How are you dear?" His appearance seemed to change suddenly." - Yes, because I'm trying to figure out if I can suppress you without giving up." "I can come back," Bijana said. "If he is him, I can support him a lot," Tan said. "I try, but I'm a better brother and sister, lazy to wait." "I want you to follow in my footsteps," Lee said to her.

So apparently Keefe is calling Sophie dear now, but Sophie wants to kill Keefe forcibly. And Tam is Tan, and is either gender-fluid, or has switched genders, and is now a girl. This chapter was a strange one. 

In case you were curios (which you probably weren't but I am going to put this anyway) this was the original quote, or moment:

Keefe raised one eyebrow. "You okay there, Foster? Your mood seems to be making some sudden shifts." "Yeah. because I'm trying to decide if I can shove you off the stairs without knocking Biana down." "I can jump out of the way," Biana offered. "I can give him an extra shove as he tumbles by," Tam added. " I'd come up there and do it myself, but I'm trying to be a good brother and wait for my slothlike sister." "I'd like to see you climbing in heels," Linh told him.

Also randomly just felt  like Russian Roulette by Red Velvet's MV represents the shipping disaster Kotlc is. I am pretty sure just like in that MV the characters would kill people that are in love with the same person as them. I feel like this would most represent the Sophie, Fitz, Keefe, Tam, Dex, Linh, and Biana love heptagon. ALSO THERE IS GOING TO BE A KOTLC MOVIE! I have a feeling it's going to be bad but, I'M SO EXCITED!

Kotlc moments, but it's google translate.Where stories live. Discover now