I also.

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( A/N I'm back at it's again after a whole month!)

Sophie Elizabeth Fat Bego


So when should Fitzgerald gather to celebrate Oz?

Original: Yeah, what time should we arrive to catch the Great Fitzphie Ooze Fest?

"It's not a design issue," said Vespera Alvar. Show your ability. "Open the door," Kifi said. That's ... the least I've heard. Sophie agrees.

Original: "It was not about the task," Vespera answered for Alvar. "It was about proving his value." "By opening a gate," Keefe insisted. "That's . . . the dumbest thing I've ever heard in my life." Sophie had to agree.

That hasn't changed much.

Original: None of it had caused even the tiniest flashback

Of course, you are not human, for good reason they are all the same

Original: Actually, you're a bad example, since you have good reasons to hate everybody

They responded by putting your eyes on Fico's leg and pleasing Rojo. Mb and A, A Ab Ab Ab A A A, A A A A A A A A A A A A A

Original: Then they got to endure the ooze all over again—much to Ro's delight—as he repeated the process with Fitz's leg. Fitz's ribs also got a bandage change, along with a thick layer of bright orange balm that smelled very, very fermented. And for the finale, they each got trays filled with dozens of elixirs.

"She's a doctor - Sophia's clothes should smell."

Original: "It's the physician—you should've recognized his scent from Sophie's clothes." "I smell like Elwin?" Sophie asked

Bo even smiled as he picked up his first piece of melted marshmallow. It was then sent to the next on the shelf. The drums were selected under approximately several waves.

Original: Even Bo cracked a smile when he had his first bite of mallowmelt—and then helped himself to the rest of the tray. Tarina took down almost as many ripplefluffs.

Like normal google translate is teaching us many things.

There was a Fitzgerald in the Wizard of Oz. Who knew? Google translate, the ultimate source of knowledge, did.

And now he Kotlc crew including one of the villains are critiquing houses. They've grown so much first saving the world, now they're arguing about designs, opening doors and discussing house price's

Sophie is now a doctor. She's spent so much time as a patient that she's learned every procedure.

And someone I don't know who on the Kotlc team is not human, what a surprise. I am truly shocked. Shooketh one might say.

Also who's eyes are in Fico's leg? Who is Fico? Why do they want or have eyes in there leg? Is it a medical thing?

Kotlc moments, but it's google translate.Where stories live. Discover now