One of the popular names in sweet fur is * face in * cut.

7 2 4

The answer is wrong. If you want to be cheap, you have to read our profile.

Original: "Answers can be lies. If you really want me to trust you, I need to read your shadowvapor." -Tam

"Beautify your face!" No walker

Original: "Sparkles make everything better!" - Biana 

Alan Walker said, "Don't worry."

Original: "There's no reason to worry" - Alden 

"Crazy, which cat?"

Original: "Fitz, what kind of name is Fitz?" -Sophie 

"But we're not bright and clean!"-She's in fashion

Original: "But we're cognates!" -Fitz

Additional mayor Md. This is stealing. - A friend of mine

Original: "No Mare. No Ella. No nicknames." - Marella. 

"Alas, and T Rex! Hug."

Original: "Woah- back the t-Rex up!" - Keefe.

"Otherwise you have no choice." Secretary

"Potential is nothing if it's never lived up to" - Councillor Terik

"Your children." - Yes

Original: "You kids" - Forkle.

Ah yess my favorite Kotlc characters Alan Walker, She's In Fashion, Secretary, No Walker, A Friend Of Mine and Yes.  

Also do y'all like the new formate I'm doing since there are no more longer quotes?

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