"Bubri ... photo

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An earthquake has found a solution Suffolk, it's going to be? "Sofa looked over the shoulder, and she was found to eating animal hungry. Vienne off branches as he makes a beautiful hunter or black. Certainly, as Bobby." What is the real name? "" Yes, you give it, and son Kevin .

So.. you give this beautiful hunter, or black that's named Bobby to sons that are named Kevin? And Vienne (which would actually be a cool name) or the Bobby eats hungry animals? Or did I just interpret this wrong.... also sorry I haven't posted in a little it's only been like 1 or two days but still I said I was going to post yesterday or the day before.  Anyway here is the original quote:

An earth-shaking ROAR! drowned out Sophie's reply. "What was that?" Sophie glanced over her shoulder, sure she'd spot some sort of hungry beast come to devour them. Biana pointed to a high branch, where a black parrot-size bird watched over them with glittering dark eyes. "Don't worry, it's just a boobrie." "That's seriously its name?" "Yup. You should hear the jokes Fitz and Keefe make."

(What type of name is 'boobrie'.)

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