Another game. We disappeared into the stomach.

9 0 4

Please give me something you will never forget.

Original: You deprived me of the snuggles-that cannot be forgiven!

"That's it," Sophia explained.

Original: "Yeah, I'm sure he'll have me over for lushberry juice and mallowmelt," Sophie mumbled. "Right after he tells me to call him Uncle Timkin."

Hidden symbols are often used.

Original: The best places to hide are the places no one wants to go

And the adventure rejoices. Say. Be of you General Chat Chat Lounge General Chat Chat Lounge

Original: "Joy gives us strength and confidence. Love pushes us to try harder and never give up. Fear clouds our judgment or holds us back. Sorrow strips us of our energy and hope. Anger makes us reckless, or too aggressive."

General Chat Chat Lounge General Chat Chat Lounge General Chat Chat Lounge

Original: "You keep trying to fix everything, Sophie. You even fixed Exillium. But you can't fix me." His eyes met hers then, and they held some sort of plea.

I did the last two quotes together and during that they merged into this 

And the adventure rejoices. Say. Be of you General Chat Chat Lounge General Chat Chat Loung

General Chat Chat Lounge General Chat Chat Lounge General Chat Chat Lounge

And I always do all of my quotes together but they have mever merged or anything-

Also sorry I didn't post yesterday I was doing a chapter but it kept deleting itself. I ended up doing the chapter over again 4 or 5 times.

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