Tommy, Celina, Tommy.

30 1 8

So umm.., there are two translations for this moment because the first translation was strange, and got messed up... so here goes nothing.. first up the weird one.

Sophia Joakin Sylvia John Su Sur Sir Bar Bar, Adja de Aag, Jackie Sura hand in hand. It's raining. Och, Bar, Jam, Jis John Sir Sirz. Stop, I'm "This!" I think so. You're a real spit fire and that's exactly what we like on this site CC!

Now the next more normal one.. ish.

Spain remembers all the memories of the sovereign Saddam Hussein. Features of food cleanliness, comfort and safety. A lot of work. Then he stopped on the map. Green crime. Green garden? :: - Sofia does not remember the last photo. TMI, Denis. and no. I know that's not the essence of beauty. Vvevnckivv gvvivji K b g kebib. »»

So umm yah sorry I haven't updated in a while. I am not going to put the original quote in because eit was already weird... but for the people who have read Neverseen, Kotlc book five, I have three words for you to figure it out with.

Eww, transmission, child.

Let's see if y'all can figure it out.

Kotlc moments, but it's google translate.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora