Last Artist Award: Shannon Messenger (warning!)

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The first part is dinner. Shadows, dances, the storms of the day change the dreams of the world.

But at the beginning of the story, genuine agricultural laws are allowed. Remember that the themes are appropriate and powerful. Even in the shade


Now I'm not like that.



People need help and energy.

Desires for happiness and joy change. The longer the better

So the longer people hope for change and happiness but don't get it the better...? That's a depressing thought.. How are agriculture laws and themes 'appropriate and powerful'..? So I go into my class and say 'Agricultural law, or "Ag Law," deals with the laws pertaining to agricultural infrastructure, seed, water, fertilizer, pesticide, land use, environmental issues, food production, agricultural finance, agricultural labor; agricultural marketing, agricultural insurance, farming rights, land tenure and tenancy systems' (I found that definition of google form looking up agricultural law) My whole class will go silent and start clapping? Anyway here is the original version of the quote: The first verse was a celebration of night--a ballad of dancing shadows and creeping mist and all the tiny, soothing shifts that let the world slip into restful slumber. But as the lyrics carried on, they curved to an ode to darkness itself. A reminder that there was purpose and power, even in the blackest places. Even to the shadows within herself. The anger. And doubts. And sadness. The memories that were too painful to replay. All rang with vulnerability and strength. And with each new beat--each new pulse--the monster changed shape. Until it wasn't a monster at all.

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