, The day of the guitar Death The Tuyag, Tag BT. Fast, fast, fast, fast.

9 1 8

Books and the world. "Very funny?" Are Money and Their "Importance" Important? Ch, that's bad. (A/N why does this second person hate books so much...- 😭)

Original: Purple sparks crackled at his feet, making him stumble back. "What?" Keefe asked. "Someone needed to make sure they work, right?" He set off another one with a smirk. "Yep, I think we're good." Magnate Leto breathed a long-suffering sigh."

- Strengthened Are you strong? Health and fitness lines. "I know what Kifi said.

Original: "So, who's going with whom?" Linh asked, careful to keep her voice hushed. "I dunno," Keefe whispered back, "but I call 'not it' for Team Fitzphie."

Setting up the exhibition "Kef Green" "Show, Show".

Original: "Oh good. Here comes the elf parade," Ro muttered. "The Vacker parade," Keefe corrected. "And get ready for it. They're the sparkliest of us all."

- -! !! !! .Na. ,, ".

Original: And then Sophie had an idea. What about— KEEFE! KEEFE! KEEFE! Silveny transmitted, with a blast of joy so strong it nearly knocked Sophie over. And Sophie assumed Silveny must've seen what she'd been thinking before she'd had a chance to finish saying it. Until Keefe said right behind her, "I hear I missed all the excitement."

Why not clothes, then Sophia is not a permanent hit.

Original: There wasn't a single gown in the mix, which automatically earned Sophie's undying devotion.

It was easy for me to run to the platform and shout: "Hi Mom, I know that you are there!" Find out who you are! When he entered the second moment, Kiev panicked when he woke up and heard the news. - But you won't? Willie will probably need security to prove it.

Original: "I'm starting to think it'd be easier if I just ran onto the stage and shouted, 'Hey, Mom, we know you're here! Come out, come out wherever you are!' " Keefe grumbled as they headed into round two of walk-scan-squint-listen duty. "But you're not going to, right?" Wylie seemed to need Keefe to verify.

"You looking?" (A/N google translate, the frick? I feel like this really isn't weird but my mind is (tell me why I wrote wind instead of "but my mind is". For my own sake and dignity I'm just going to hope that it was autocorrects fault.) just creeping int the gutter, but after that other quote...)

Original: "See? She needs me. Can I go into the enclosure?" "As long as Silveny doesn't mind," Sophie agreed. A fresh round of KEEFE! KEEFE! KEEFE! made it clear Silveny was a big fan of that idea."  (A/N I thought "Keefe" said duck. Those words are really similar, aren't they. Really are. I'm a such a genius, wow. I level of intelligence I have is unmatched)

Why does google translate have to call me out like that? Like sure, I'm about as strong as a toddler but there's some stuff dear, google translate that does  not need to be called out.

Why are we even talking about Sophie without clothes? This is a children's book, I repeat a children's book. 

What the hell google?

 (love autocorrect for changing this guys  to thigs up and then saying I spelled this incorrectly when I didn't) 

Ahh wouldn't it be nice and wholesome if Keefe and his mom were playing hide and seek! But unfortunately his mom's a murder,  former? "leader" of the Neverseen, a group that's destroying the world and also has manipulated him from birth. 

So maybe not the best person to play hide and seek with. 

Well actually since he was having a nightmare (about hide and seek) that does make sense.

Also what probably terrible news did he wake up to-

I swear google translate need some lessons on creative writing like you can't just leave me hanging like this, without any confirmation. Truly hurtful.

I feel like there's a show in which during the intro, after saying the title of said show, they say show, show. Or was that a meme or a tiktok? Or something  else?

Once again another thing I need confirmation on.


Byee y'all have a good night i'mma go sleep (who am I kidding, I wish, I still need to finish this chapter.)

Kotlc moments, but it's google translate.Where stories live. Discover now