Yes, the most important thing is the light cake cake and cake.

6 2 1

People are not afraid, but as the concert continues, they will not be able to control it.

Original : Most of the time she couldn't decipher what he was thinking, but she suspected it was because Iggy didn't think before he acted.

Tenmai is not good.

Original: It was a dangerous world for a sparkly flying horse.

Yes! Do you have to decide?

Original: You'd be surprised at how powerful hope can be.

Alan wants to go to school for a while. I won't change regular pens 

Original: I think we could all use a little more weird in our lives.

There are thousands of ways to enter and exit from left to right.

Original: she'd figured out how to steer Silveny by teaching her simple commands like left and right and if you dump me into another pile of sparkly manure, I will clobber you.

Aaron follows a similar pattern. Joe's Chicken and Chocolate Tomorrow

Original: In fact, most of the great human innovations of the last few centuries happened under elvin tutelage. Electricity. Penicillin. Chocolate cake. 

How did any of these quotes translate to stuff like this "Tenmai is not good." That have nothing to do with the quote? Just how? It makes no sense
Maybe I accidentally paired the wrong translate quote with real quote or something and that's why they are so weird?.... idk.
Also I love the title of this chapter so much.

Kotlc moments, but it's google translate.Where stories live. Discover now