So he said when I want everything, I decide to sell some

7 1 6

Sophie struggled and thought for three minutes - she thought how dark and sad it would be to walk into a hotel and see everything.

Original: Sophie stomach growled, and she gave herself three seconds to imagine it-to picture what it would be like to creep through the shimmering halls when they were empty and quiet and dark and see all the hidden places Keefe had discovered

"We have too many people," sings Sophie, which is not true. You are wrong.

Original: "We have too many villains," Sophie said through a sigh. Keefe snorted. "You're not wrong."

The island does not have to be human. Fleet needs you

Original: I don't want another bodyguard. I want you.

Now I find out why Bian is so willing to write.

Original: Now I know why Bianas ready to start stabbing things

Bya ,,,,,,,,, a a a a a a a mu

Original: His smile was a beautiful thing. But it didn't last

He knocked me out

Original: Fitz's eyes never left Sophie's as he let Biana lead them for forward, offering one last smile before he left. It was only a half a smile. But she knew it was just for her.


Original: Ugh, now I get why Keefe was always going on about this one," the figure to Gethen's right grumbled. "They both think they're so clever."

Island's have been humans?

Why does the "you are wrong" crack me up-

It's just so blunt 😂

Why is Sophie singing too? Is this a musical?

Why does Sophie want to go into a hotel and see nothing? Imagine going into a hotel and then suddenly you were blinded. No one would ever go to hotels again.

Also Fitz your not really helping your case by knocking Sophie or google translate whatever

Maybe knocking out google translate would knock some sense into it? 

Kotlc moments, but it's google translate.Where stories live. Discover now