Life: If a person is married / married / married

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 "He's smart," he laughed, hiding Lu Wen's T-shirt. What a golden gun, Esther wrapped it in a cloth and burned it like a rotten corpse. "I was so dry," he said. "Good," Arena said. "Remember, the Zhao base was weak." Not a target, support. We will meet a gun without losing our fingers. I have more.

What the heck-

.... I have no words to describe whatever that translation was. 

Here is the original quote..: (why does doing ..... then : look weird anyway here is the quote: "This is a dagger," Bo said, drawing a dark blade as long as his forearm from a sheath hidden somewhere in the back of his armor. "No, this is a dagger," Tarina countered, pulling an even longer silver weapon from somewhere among the tangled threads of her mossy garment, with a blade that spiraled like a corkscrew. "And those are not for beginners," Sandor argued. "Let's also not forget that Sophie is training with her weaker hand." "But I have Tinker's bracelet," Sophie reminded him. "Which improves your strength, not your coordination," he corrected. "I'd like you to get through today's lesson without losing any fingers. Besides, any soldier worth the air they're breathing can fight with any weapon." "I'd be more willing to believe you," Sophie noted, "if you weren't holding that." She pointed to Sandor's dagger, which looked more like half a sword. Tarina snorted. "I like this girl."

Idk if this was done already I am down  to the wire (is that an expression, I don't think it is... eh I don't care)  on quotes to use.

Kotlc moments, but it's google translate.Where stories live. Discover now