Shepard: This is dangerous.

11 2 2

I do not want to say anything, I think only good.

Original: I hate to say this, Keefe, but I think you might be right.

And the shoes simple. I want to eat my own poop. (A/N what the hell-)

Original: Silveny ignored him. Apparently, terrifying her only friend was better than snacks.

This would not be as difficult as when the Pope.

Original: Though I'll probably be a Guster like my dad. Controlling the wind—whoop-de-freaking-do.

Not enough safety.

Original: Exile wasn't a place she could just drop by for a visit.

Julius Tyrannosaurus Rex was the father of demons.

Original: Of course, Silveny was a glittering winged horse, not a Tyrannosaurus rex.

Thailand's "rough" Sullivan's mouth falls on his neck

Original: Grady shouted things like "squeeze your legs" and "wrap your arms around Silveny's neck"—but those required moving

Find the origin or search value of a building.

Original: But she made it through a major school event without falling on her face, needing medical attention, or almost burning down the building.

Ahh yess the famous t-Rex Julius the ruler of my brother and all other demons. How does ones mouth fall in their neck? Just how? Also I don't think I have ever heard a better description of Exile then "not enough safety." 

And we are just not going to talk about the second quote.

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