Dax Has Framesarkandi Craft Til A Lokar 6:

6 1 5

Final Han Strong Fitzgerald. You know, you can see what you can do, you can do it again.

Original: I believe in the all-powerful Fitzphie! Actually, you know what? We should call this one Sophitz, since-let's face it-Foster's the real talent when it comes to this sort of thing.

"ሳጊ: -" "f ፣ tæka ፣" he said. Garbage or pad. '

Original: "Embrace the sparkles, Foster," Keefe told her. "They look good on you."

No ቤቲር from ር ሮድድ ሃንስ ቤቲር ቤቲር to some things that hold. Nalt

Original: The teasing tone faded from his voice, replaced with something that made Sophie very aware of how close they were standing.

"Pocket the cock, moor lor not bad mai sazalfan maig",

Original: Keefe whistled, "Remind me never to get on your bad side, Dizznee." 

Super Guara "Worrying about you is not good. I already told you, isn't it? "Sofia loves him, but her smile is amazing.

Original: Keefe grinned. "You're adorable when you worry. I've told you that, right?" Sophie gave him her best glare, but his smile only widened.

Before she could breathe a little, she began to massage her lips - "I'd be happy if I didn't find it."

Original: He reached up to wipe a crumb off her lips, and she forgot how to breath for a second— "I'm still glad I was there. If I hadn't been..."

Did you come here without trying? "If you have a castle, I'd be happy to help you break some rules," Kabe said.

Original: So is it strange coming here and not being the one on trial?" Keefe asked, "Because I'd be happy to help you break a few laws if you're feeling left out."

I'm sorry but "pocket the cock"- 


And what is "Before she could breathe a little, she began to massage her lips" like what.

Super Guara kinda sounds like an idiot.. you have to worry a little bit about yourself or you would be dead by some stupid decision and you need to take care of your health but eh I'm not going to into that 'cause it will (why did will just autocorrect into airplanes-) turn dark quickly

What everyday person owns a castle?

Is that what rich people do with there money? Buy castles and spend 3 dollars on gum at target? (I actually saw 3 dollar gum at target today. Like who is going to spend that much money on gum?)

Kotlc moments, but it's google translate.Where stories live. Discover now