Igi + piano = good relationship (especially)

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"Can I come with you?" He asked a friend. After a short practice, Jezreel put on his favorite shoes. Sophie said. I am finally enjoying the fruit. The girl did not like the result, so an hour later she pushed her leg "with a letter". Sophia is trapped in a large rock that Eugene throws at her.

So Biana (Or should I say Piano) pulled her leg out of her socket with a letter?.... And Biana got Sophie stuck in a rock?.. I'm still just not going to question it. Here is the original version: "Can I go with you?" Biana asked him. "If I don't let Iggy get some exercise, he's going to shred another one of my favorite shoes." Biana must really love the little imp if she was willing to forgive footwear destruction. "At least he's doing well on his diet," she told Sophie. "I think he's finally getting a taste for vegetables!" It turned out Iggy had most definitely not gotten a taste for vegetables, and Biana stomped back an hour later, muttering about "stubborn imps." Sophie assumed it had something to do with the giant moth wing Iggy was crunching on.

Also since this chapter was so short here is an even shorter other translated quote:

"He must be bigger than Brent." "It does not exist." Here are three stories about the church: I worked thousands of years ago before I liked the language. "Hey, he's really old," he smiles. -Jita Negra. Adults live at home. I hope it works out

Kotlc moments, but it's google translate.Where stories live. Discover now