For this reason, all books are written in the Hunsu or

5 0 4

Sophie's death was also her last.

Original: Pretty sure the last thing he wants is an Empath holding on to him when he goes anywhere near Sophie's hand

Kapoor Kim: I promised to forgive the time I spent with Jack.

Original: Just pure determination when he told her, "Because Team Foster-Keefe is going to win." Fourteen

I do not know Amico Coffee.

Original: I'd also be lost without Amie Kauffman

We are free. Then he shouted: Happy!

Original: We all have our gifts. And speaking of whining—" "No whining in the happy place!

"Be careful," Tam Marrell warned. Cuff cuff cuff cuff cuff cuff cuff

Original: "Careful," Tam warned Marella. "She might toss you off this ledge." "I might toss both of you," Sophie told them."

General prices for Susudarin and Ecocomo

Original: great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great

I like barely translated the last two quotes and the title but they translated into such weird things so quick

I would say Sophie's death would be her last death since you know she died 

And always remember when your in danger just scream cuff over and over again until magically help comes and you are safe

Also kadpoor Kim sounds like a lame super hero name

Kotlc moments, but it's google translate.Where stories live. Discover now