All I can say is that the new hippies are panicking and global warming is grow.

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Even if you eat "but", I do not know you will be comfortable. «»

Original: "But . . . I know your heart was in the right place—even if your brain had clearly gone on vacation for the afternoon."

He went into darkness and wept.

Original: It takes a special person to see darkness inside of someone and not condemn them.

Do not forget the courage and protect yourself.

Original: Remember who you can trust, and keep them close.

She did not cry. It is on the battlefield.

Original: She wasn't going to cry. She was going to fight.

He reached over and tried to love.

Original: She was tempted to ask if they were journeying with a hobbit to reclaim the Lonely Mountain.

I understand now that our society does not appreciate us. Tell me about the place. We hope you enjoy it.

Original: I've realized now that our world doesn't define us. We define our world. And I hope you'll fill yours with as much light and happiness as you can.

The Kotlc crew sound extremely depressed. Maybe Shannon should check on that. And what does it mean by "tried to love" what did  transgender/genderfluid Sophie do to the poor person next to her? Also why on these things is there always this symbol " «»" WHAT IS IT I LOOKED IT UP AND NOTHING SHOWED UP?

Also I love the title so much.

Kotlc moments, but it's google translate.Where stories live. Discover now