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Original: "Excuse me, I've almost died just as many times as you have," Fitz reminded him. "Maybe more." "So have I," Dex jumped in. "We all have," Biana corrected. Tam elbowed Linh. "You sure you don't want to get some less dangerous friends?"

. [] ". But", ",", "

Original: Dex rolled his eyes. "If anything, I'm the one who's going to fall over." "Awww. I got you, Dexy," Keefe said, wrapping his arms around Dex's waist. "What? Was that not what you were hoping for?"

"One of a kind."

Original: "I'm going to need it," she whispered. "I don't know how to fix this."

It's water ...

Original: "Don't make me smack you," Sophie warned. Keefe smirked. "I'd like to see you try." "So would I," Tam informed them."

... Harib Harib is part of the system

Original: She reached out her gloveless hand. And as soon as her fingers connected with his, Dex's knees buckled. Keefe grinned. "Typical Foster, always knocking guys off their feet." Sophie sighed. "Should I—" "Don't let go," Dex told her, tightening his grip. "I'm fine. It's just . . . intense." Keefe and Tam both snickered."

I think I have figured out a secret of google translate, a break through if you will, I noticed that when I clicked on a language over and over again it becomes strange or stuff """. But then I did it on the next pair of quotes and it didn't work as well but it still turned out really strange.

Also just what the hell is this chapter

Kotlc moments, but it's google translate.Where stories live. Discover now