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Maybe I overreacted a bit. It was a little extreme to break the obviously expensive furniture and make a makeshift escape hatch via the ventilation system—which didn't work anyway.
The worst part is neither Jin or Taehyung are mad at me. I feel...I don't know how to feel. Offended? My escape was so ridiculous to them they didn't even bother to send others to find and drag me back?! What kind of annoying hostage holding situation is this?!
Right. It's not.
Glumly, I stare out the window and eye the long and vast landscape which seems to go on for miles with nothing and no one. It's kind of desolate in a weird fairytale kind of way. Hm.
Despite the crazy amounts of toxic in his relationship, perhaps Jin didn't do too bad for himself. He practically owns a castle in a deep forest land with a crazy vampire hybrid King—even though Namjoon is technically King—away from normal people. It's obvious how obsessed Taehyung is with him. For better or worse.
I have mixed feelings about that, though. I want my hyung happy. I also want him safe and loved properly. Sometime I failed to do for him.
I miss Jungkook and Yoongi. When are they ever coming to get me!
I swivel around in my seat to see Jin leaning against the door. "Yeah?"
"Jungkook just called. They are on their way."
My eyes light up and I practically bounce in excitement. "Finally!"
He smirks. "Yeah. We were worried they decided to ditch you with us permanently."
Scowling, I click my tongue. "You would keep me."
He nods, still teasing. "Of course, brat."
"I'm not a brat."
"Then what are you?" He challenges.
"I'm cute and fluffy! I'm too adorable to be a brat." Proudly.
He scoffs. "Get ready. They will be here soon."

I gather my few things and race down the stairs when I hear familiar voices downstairs. Happiness and love radiate throughout my entire being at the anticipation of seeing my mates again.
I pause, my vision cut off by Jin and Taehyung standing in front of Jungkook and Yoongi.
Taehyung starts laughing. Maniacally. Both amused and shocked, it seems. I'm surprised I can hear the emotions within it. Jin looks pale as he stares at something I can't see!
I shove them both aside—only to stop short and stare in my own world of shock. What....what is this?
I can't speak. Literally mute with shock as I stare at both my...mates? Are they really mine?
Jungkook stands tall, pale, and proud with shiny blonde locks in a fitted suit. His form is bigger and more imposing. His eyes icy and very very red. I don't recognize them.
Yoongi...Yoongi is...I don't understand. He stands much shorter—but still taller than me—beside Jungkook. His once blond and wild hair a messy brown over his eyes. His very humanesque eyes.
I gape at them. "What happened?"
They both smile awkwardly at me. Jungkook holds out his hand. I clench my fist almost too nervous to take it. I do after some hesitation, however. It's weird and I'm freaked out but they are still my mates and they came for me. Right?
I glance at Jin who frowns at them while Taehyung is still laughing over the situation.
"What's so funny?" I can't resist snapping.
He straightens up with a wicked smile. "Oh nothing. I'm just anticipating a little visit to my Kingly brother. I want to have a nice chat about breaking rules and banishments..." He smirks, pulling Jin into his side. He waves a hand dismissively at me. "Go. Go. I'm sure you and your mates have much to discuss."
Turning back to them, I lick my lips and nod. We leave in silence, none of us knowing what to say.
In the car, I sit in the back and continuously switch my stunned gaze between them in the front seat. My eyes lock on a familiar bruise on Yoongi's neck. A bite mark.
Conflicting emotions course though me at the thought of a vampire Jungkook feeding from a human Yoongi. I feel left out again but also a teeny tiny bit turned on. Will Jungkook bite me like that? The way Yoongi used too? How will this relationship work now? We were both bound to Yoongi but now...that's obviously not the case if he isn't a vampire.
It's confusing. Will I be left after all? Maybe it's what I deserve for being a brat—as Jin calls it. I've been selfish.
I'm afraid to go home and talk about the future. Will they ditch me? My tail trembled at the thought and I sink back into my seat, submissive and a little sad.
When the car comes to a stop, I'm hesitant to get out. The choice is taken from me, though, when Jungkook opens the door for me and holds out his hand. I take it without a word and let them lead me back into our home. Is it still going to be our home? Maybe it will be theres and I'll just...be abandoned. Maybe they want me here to get my stuff out.
Instead of letting them talk, I head straight to the bedroom and put my things inside. I don't want to turn around and go back where they are. I'm scared. Scared of things I don't understand. Scared I've been right all along and I'm being abandoned.
"Jiminie." Yoongi's soft voice penetrates my ears and warm soft arms wrap around my middle. His hot lips press into my cheek. "Let's go talk."
I shiver at his breath on my skin. It's not cold. It's different. Not bad. Just different. Tears in my eyes, I sigh in resignation, following him back into the living room where Jungkook sits, waiting. Jungkook really is more shocking of the two changes. He just seems so...cruel looking. I feel that's not the case but it's how he looks. Yoongi didn't seem as frightened at the beginning like this, though...
Maybe it's just a vampire thing.
When he looks at me, he seems to thaw perceptibly. It gives a tiny glimmer of relief and hope.
"K-Kookie." My voice trembles so I shut up, embarrassed.
He smiles at me and it's his smile. So familiar and homey. He holds out his hand for me and I take it without a thought, stepping into his arms and closing my eyes. He smells different but much like Yoongi it's not bad. Just different.
"So...what happened?" I finally ask. Ready.
They both share a look before Yoongi steps forward, answering. "I made a mistake and it killed him."
My eyes widen in shock. "What?!"
"He's wrong. I sacrificed myself of my own will." Jungkook disagrees, looking at him in irritation.
Yoongi shakes his head. "Either way—I saved him the only way I could. I, uh, sacrificed my immortality to bring him back."
He's so nonchalant about it that I'm taken aback. "I...I didn't know that was possible."
"Not many do. It's never worked before but I knew Jungkook would be able to handle it."
"So...you just easily changed him into a—"
"There was nothing easy about it. It was crippling and nearly killed me as well. I gave myself up and became human for him to survive." He pauses, touching my cheek. "I would have done it for you as well. I hope you know that, kitten."
I blush, ducking my head. "I would never ask you."
"Neither of you would ever have to ask me. I would do it to save you for myself. Both of you are the most important things in my life besides our boys. I can't live without either of you."
I ponder. "So we aren't mated anymore, right?"
They both frown.
"We will do it over again." Jungkook announces. "I will claim you both as Yoongi did before." He stops, looking me in the eyes and taking my hand. "But only if you want it. This is your chance to have complete freedom if you don't want us as mates anymore, Jimin. You don't have to accept this if you don't want it. We won't pressure you."
I stare at the floor, shy. "I want this. Please make me your mate." I reach for Yoongi. "Yoongi, too. I want you both. I always have and always will."
Smiling, they both kiss either of my cheeks. "Welcome home, kitten. We've missed you."
I bite my lip coyly. "I've missed you, too. So...when can we do the mating ritual again?" Impatient. Ready to be one again.
Chuckling darkly, Jungkook pulls me in and kisses me breathless. His newly sharpened fang nips my bottom lip and I moan. "Whenever you're ready, Kitten."
Shuddering, I gulp. "I'm ready. Make me yours. And Yoongi's." I smile at them both. "I need my mates now." I need this more than anything else in my life at this moment. I need them to show me I'm still a part of our love. That we all still belong together. Forever.

Owned; sequel to CovetedWhere stories live. Discover now