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As soon as the headlights pull up, I push Jin behind me and force him back into the car. He scowls at me as I jam the door so he can't get involved.
We argued about it but considering how easily he was caught last time, I'm not taking any chances for him to be used against me again. This isn't his fight. Or I refuse to let it be.
I know Ji Ho would delight in holding my mate hostage in spite.
I join Namjoon and the others as they await for them to stop but I decide last second to run at the car and poof myself inside. I situate myself right behind the driver and wrap my arm around his throat making him lose control of the vehicle.
He gasps in shock and fear right before I apply pressure and snap his neck. Shoving him aside, I grasp the wheel and spin the car, flipping it while at the same instant unbuckling the other guy and watching with malicious glee as he screams and flies through the windows—ultimately being crushed under the careening car seconds later.
I brace myself for the impact and wince as I'm crushed within the car all while the others gape at the scene from ahead.
Grinning, I wait for the car to stop rolling and catch fire before crawling out and dusting my clothes off.
Jin screams profanities at me from the car as he attempts to free himself but can't. Ha. Namjoon curses me as he runs up—punching me in the face.
"The fuck is wrong with you?!"
I smile and spit blood, reveling in his annoyance. "What? Didn't enjoy the show? I saved you like five minutes of effort. You're welcome."
"I thought the whole point was to capture them alive and get information out of them?!" He yells, angry.
I shrug. "More is coming." I point to the four sets of headlights coming. "All you need is one or two, right?"
Exasperated, he throws his hands up and walks away.
I look at Yoongi and Jungkook. "You two take the two cars coming in from the left, start torturing info out of them and I'll take care of the others."
They nod and head that direction with Namjoon. I crack my neck and wait. Building up my impending endurance, I move myself into the next car and incapacitate the driver before proofing to the car beside it and sabotaging the wheel making it crash into the other car, conveniently killing all people inside.
Except myself, of course.
I land effortlessly beside my car and open the door for Jin. Screeching with rage, he immediately begins attacking me. I pull him into my arms, ignoring his punches and kicks to kiss him hard, forcing him to calm down.
"So stupid! Why are you so stupid!"
"You weren't impressed?" I tease, not admitting to be a little banged up.
He glares at my bloody suit, shoving away from me. "I know you think you're immortal but you can die, you idiot!"
"Not so easily, love."
I look over to see Yoongi and Namjoon dragging over two of the vamps—bloody and cursing.
Jungkook finishes off his partner before running to catch up with the others.
Smiling, I press my foot down onto his obviously broken leg and hear him squeal in pain. "I think we both know how to make this go much easier for you."
He grimaces up at me, spitting blood. "Go die, fucker!"
Nodding calmly, amused, I stomp down hard and his voice echoes around the deserted land as his leg is completely shattered beneath me.
"In the city! Two blocks from those dirty hybrids old home!" He gasps. "Release me!"
My eyes narrow. "You lying to me?"
"See for yourself! He's there with that disgusting cat."
Yoongi and Jimin both stiffen at this and they tighten their grip on the man.
"Then you will come with us and if I find you've lied..." I leave it to his imagination.
His eyes widen in horror but he nods. "I'm not lying!"
"Good little bitch." I haul him up over my shoulder and toss him in my trunk. He screams in pain as I close the trunk down hard—perhaps getting his shattered leg in the process. Oopsie.
Jin leans against the car, arms crossed, angry. I caress his cheek before motioning him into the car. He takes the front seat while I hop into the driver's. Namjoon, Yoongi, and Jungkook decide to slide into the backseat, leaving their own vehicle.
I immediately head out to the area of Ji Ho's hide out.
It's silent in the car besides the constant banging from the trunk. I make sure to take a few fast curves until he shuts the fuck up.
I park the car at Jin's old home and glance in the review at the others. All ready.
Jin stares at me hard but I ignore it. Or try to. "What?" I demand, giving in.
"You're just going with them to get Jimin, right? Nothing else? Not going to piss him off more until he attacks others or tries to kill you?"
"Would you believe me if I said so?"
His eyes narrow. "I'm coming."
"You're staying here."
"You aren't my keeper! I'm fucking going. The whole reason you are here is because he has my brother. I'm going."
Rolling my eyes, I snap my arm out and grasp his chin, pulling his face against mine. "You're staying here where I know you will be kept out of danger. Do not leave this fucking car or you will regret it. Make sure that bitch doesn't leave the trunk."
"How the hell could he get out of the trunk! It's locked from the outside."
"Stop arguing with me." I step out and the others follow suit—Jin tries but I hastily decide he can't be trusted to listen and handcuff him to the steering wheel.
He glares at me with hatred. "Where the fuck did these even come from?! Let me out!"
I slam the door in his face as Namjoon shakes his head at me.
"Where's Hoseok?" I counter.
He wisely says nothing and walks around me. "Let's get this confrontation over with. I need to get back home."
Smirking, we all walk the two blocks where a huge abandoned warehouse sits. They begin planning how to get inside but my eyes swiftly take stock only to notice a random fucking house far behind the dilapidated building. Bingo.
How stupid. He thought he could fool me. I let the others continue their ridiculous plot to get inside the empty warehouse and instead disappear. I land silently on the roof of the dark house and kneel down. I can hear muffled voices and cries from inside.
Most definitely Jimin.
I cheerfully lift the hidden dagger from my sleeve and run my fingers over its shiny pretty design. It's poisoned, of course. Toxic to lowly vampires and humans.
Can't do anything to higher ranking vampires or hybrids, though. It's perfect.
Whistling, I jump down effortlessly into the ground from the three story house and hide within the shadows. I don't need the others for this. Easy. Too easy.
I peak into the window to see Ji Ho on the phone with someone. He's angry. Haha. Probably waiting to hear back from his men. They're dead. Sorry not sorry.
I spy Jimin gagged and tied to the bed in the corner and frown. Ugh. Why does he have a bed in the fucking living room? Does he truly have no sense of interior design or just...taste? I'm disgusted with his choices of decoration. Is the bedroom empty? Jeeze.
Shaking my head, I focus on the men behind him ready for his orders.
I lower the dagger, however, my eyes training hard on the man to the right. The one holding Jimin despite being tied up.
Is that...surely I'm seeing things.
Isn't Jackson dead?
Why is he holding Jimin hostage with Ji Ho?
I'm suddenly sure there's more going on than meets the eye and I don't like it. What's going on?

Owned; sequel to CovetedWhere stories live. Discover now