Chapter 7 : Who Is Who

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Chief Simon looked at the corpse while the paramedics are doing their job. She looked around and tried to figure out where could the shooter has been hiding but everything seems so open, making it very hard to find a blind spot. Detective Lee, Officer Chase and Officer Chad went towards her.

"Good evening, Chief Simon." Officer Chad and Officer Chase politely greeted.

"Oh? Officer Devius Wayne Chad, Officer Isaac Chase, long time no see. I want say I'm happy to see you but, it wouldn't be accurate at this situation, would it?" She joked, both officers just smiled. She then turned to Detective Lee who's still busy looking around. "Did you find anything?" She asked him.

He sighed and shook his head. "The place is an open area, the crime scene is also very open. It's not easy to find a spot you can hide at. There are too many people making it hard for anyone to make such risky move." He explained.

"But someone still dared to take that risk, that's why there's a corpse." Chief Simon said.

"You're right." Cameron nodded.

"Then? What do you think?" Chief Simon asked again.

"The culprit my have planned the murder long before. He must have known that the victim will be present here tonight and he must also have followed her here. The culprit probably knows the victim's routine." Detective Lee speculated.

"You're right. This can't be a sudden plan, the culprit must have planned it for a long time." She agreed.

Detective Lee nodded. "But, Chief, is this the reason why you asked me to come? It isn't about drugs, is it? It's because you know someone is gonna die tonight?" He asked.

The Chief nodded and sighed. "Yes."

"Why didn't you tell me in the first place? I could have done something to at least prevent this from happening." Cameron felt annoyed but he doesn't know who he should be annoyed at.

Himself for not being able to do anything and prevent the murder? Or to his superior who didn't say anything about the murder? He really doesn't know. But he knows that there's a reason behind why Chief Simon didn't say anything about it.

"Cameron, I know that you won't be able to focus if I told you that someone will die tonight." She explained.

Detective Lee understood her but he still can't help himself from being annoyed. He just stayed silent and sighed.

"What about you two?" Chief Simon turned to look at the two officers when his junior didn't say anything..

Officer Chase shook his head but Officer Chad spoked. "She talked to me earlier, her name is Niana Penningson but I didn't notice anything odd earlier." He narrated.

Isaac Chase looked like he just realized something. "Oh, yeah. I remember her. She did talk to you." He said to his friend who just nodded.

"I just said that, Chase." Officer Chad said.

"Is there any witness?" Asked Chief Simon.

"There's one girl who found her body, we brought her in for questioning but she looked really shocked so, I'm not sure she could be at help." Detective Lee responded.

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