Chapter 85 : The Truth - Final Call

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The Chief Simon and medics arrived at the scene after Detective Lee called them at the hospital. Handcuffs were placed around Ju Jin Su's wrist while he was unconscious and carried to the ambulance. Devius was just standing motionless, looking at Harry's lifeless body as they put him inside a body bag. The other officers are searching the area for more possible evidence.

"Devius..." Chief Simon's voice was heard but he couldn't move an inch. "What happened? Why is Chief Lee dead? Why is he dead? Who killed him? Please tell me the what happened, Devius." Even without looking, he knows that she's crying.

"Wayne! Please talk to us. What happened here? Senior Lee said that his adopted father was fine! What happened? Why is Sir Harold Lee dead? Who did this!?" Isaac tried shaking his friend's shoulder to get him to his senses.

"Devius... I'm begging you, please tell us what happened. Why is he dead? What happened? Why is Chief Lee dead?" Chief Simon's voice was almost a whisper because of how hard she was crying.

Devius slowly shifted his gaze to him, hands shaking and tears flowing from his eyes. "H-He... He killed himself... He shot himself i-in front of us..." He struggled to speak because of the lump in his throat.

Chief Simon felt weak and almost lost her balance. "W-What did you say? Chief Lee will never do that! He would never do that!" Sara exclaimed.

Devius shook his head slowly as he run his fingers through his hair. "He did, chief. H-He did."

"No!" Chief Simon shook her head.

"Why would he do that?" Isaac asked his friend.

"B-Because he was b-blaming himself for everything that happened..." Officer Chad sobbingly responded.

Harold Lee was like a father to Sara. She looked up to him and treat him like his own dad. It's hard and painful for her to accept that he's gone when he just came back. She knew that Cameron will feel more than worst if he finds out about what happened to his adopted father which Chief Simon doesn't know how to tell him. Not even Devius know how.

"Why? Why would he do that?" Sara questioned.

Devius fell on his knees, he doesn't have any strength left. He had been through so many things in a short period of time and witnessing Harold's suicide was too much.

"H-He said... he was the reason w-why everything happened. He said... if he was just early, the real Lee Han Se won't die and Red wouldn't have to take revenge." Devius narrated.

"The real Lee Han Se?" Sara asked in confusion.

Devius nodded. "Cai isn't the real Lee Han Se. His real name is Lee Jin Hong." He explained.

Isaac and Sara looked at each other. "I don't understand, Wayne. What do you mean?"

"I'm also very confused when I found out but I think it's better to just ask Detective Parker." Devius stated and sighed.

Everyone was confused especially Chief Simon and Officer Chase because they weren't there when everything happened. To add to that, Harold Lee's death was very frustrating for them too. No one spoke then after their conversation. They stayed silent and thinking until they got to the hospital where Red and Ju Jin Su was brought.

As soon as they arrived, they went straight to Detective Parker's room. Cameron was already there when they entered, accompanied with some police officers. Isaac took a handcuff and a piece of paper which a Miranda Rights was written. He sighed and walked towards Kairo's bed. The detective didn't moved nor did he utter a word. He was just looking at down probably ashamed for everything he had done.

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