Chapter 40 : Behind The Coat

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Detective Lee felt exhausted by everything that happened. He has been staring at the piece of paper and at the name written on it. He couldn't be mistaken, it's the same name he heard from his dreams. It wasn't just a simple name from the last victim, he knows there's something more. He sighed and leaned on the chair as he stare at Officer Chad's sleeping face. He remembered what happened. His partner's bloody face, the gun shot. He was so worried but now, he could say that he's relieved because everything went well.

"You're so silly, you know that? Taking a bullet for me?" Cameron was worried but he can't help himself from smiling.

From his childhood, no one had ever sacrifice something for him. No one has ever did something good for him, except for his adopted father. He never thought that this is how it feels to be saved by someone. Life has been cruel from his childhood, he didn't get to experience everything that a child should. He was barred, verboten to get out. He didn't get to see his parents, he didn't get to have friends. All his life as a child, he could only remember the four cornered room. The dirty, old bed. The mirror and the tiny window. He was caged. He didn't even know what comfort is when he was a child. Now, someone saved him. Someone sacrificed for him. The feeling was overwhelming.

"Devius Wayne Chad, I owe you my life now. I'll definitely return the favor one day." He said as if his partner could hear it.

He was up almost the whole night and it's already three in the morning when he felt sleepy. He bowed his head on the hospital bed and closed his eyes. But it wasn't a peaceful sleep at all. Right after he remembers closing his eyes, when he opened it, he was back on that place again. He was back, standing in front of the mirror in that same basement. But unlike the usual, he isn't paralyzed. He could move and look around the room.

"Am I dreaming again?" He asked himself.

When he turned his back, he saw the mirror and his reflection in it. Everything seemed normal, until he heard some footsteps.

"Who is that?" He called out.

A man wearing a black coat walked in front of him. Cameron couldn't see anything because his whole body was covered with black coat. He furrowed his brows as he watch the man walking towards his direction. The mysterious man stopped when he was about a meter away. By that distance, Detective Lee should have probably identified his face or at least have a peek at it. But no matter how hard he tries, he couldn't see him. The only thing visible to his sight was the man's uncovered hands.

"Who are you?" Detective Lee asked out of curiosity.

The man chuckled. "Lee Jin Hong... Lee Jin Hong... Lee Jin Hong..."

"I said who are you?" He asked again but now in a more authoritarian tone.

"Lee Jin Hong..."

"Who the fuck are you!?" He yelled.

"Lee Jin Hong..."

Detective Lee step back as the man repeatedly calls the same name. He kept backing away until his back finally hit the mirror, that means it's the dead end.

"Lee Jin Hong..."

"Lee Jin Hong..."

"Lee Jin Hong..."

He felt terrified as the tone of the man slowly becomes the same tone he grew up listening to. It's the same tone that his abductors uses when they're calling his name before. The same playful tone of voice that remains the only monster he fears. The same tone that always makes him feel like the weakest person on Earth. The same tone that makes his whole body tremble.

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