Chapter 80 : Identity

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Devius was left dumbfounded after hearing Cameron say Gong Seuk Tae's name. He doesn't know if he's getting it right or not. But on the way he understands it, it seemed like Cameron was telling that Gong Seuk Tae and Red are one same person.

On the other hand, Cameron's head couldn't process what he was seeing. The kid whom he almost treated as a little brother was standing right in front of him, telling him that he wasn't the one he knew he was.

"I don't understand..."

"You heard it right, Detective. I'm not Gong Seuk Tae. I am the brother of the real person behind your identity. My name is Lee Yuhyeol and Lee Han Se is my brother. I am the brother of the person who you have been claiming to be." Those words from Red confused Detective Lee even more.

"I don't understand... I don't understand anything at all." The detective uttered.

"You don't understand or you're just refusing to understand? That's alright then, I'll let you understand." Red stated and began removing the long coat he was wearing.

"What are you doing?" Cameron furrowed his brows.

"Just watch and shut up." Red smirked.

As he continued undressing himself, all the burnt marks on his body was slowly getting revealed. Detective Lee stared at him in awe and disbelief. He slowly shook his head as he back out, feeling weak. He doesn't understand what is happening. He could see all the burnt marks on the latter's body. A thought came to his mind but when he looked at Red's appearance, he's a lot younger than him. So, it can't be. He couldn't be that kid from his memories. But, there's also another boy there aside from them...

"You..." Detective Lee tried to utter a word but that's the only thing that came out of his mouth. "Could it be..."

"Do you see me, Detective? Do you see these fucking marks on my body? I look like a monster, don't I?" Red smirked but the pain was visible in his eyes.

Detective Lee felt a pain in his head. "What the hell is happening? Who the hell are you?" He felt very confused now.

"I got this from that fire. I got this because I chose to save the person whom I treated as my best friend, my brother, my life long confidant after he chose to save someone who couldn't even take a single glance at him even if he called his name multiple times!" Red yelled as tears begun to flow from his eyes that were still blazing with anger and pain.

Detective Lee looked at him with wide eyes. "You... You...are that other boy?" Detective Lee asked in an almost whisper voice, he couldn't believe it.

"Now, you remember, huh? You're right, I'm that stupid boy's brother. I'm that stupid boy who chose to sick help and let my beloved brother accompany you. I was so stupid that I left my brother to try and save you but you know what? I'm also that boy who just didn't lost his friend and brother but also lost his whole goddamn identity because the person whom my brother thought who'd love me, he stole my brother's identity and lived with it as if nothing ever happened." Red said in a long painful, linaty.

"You're his brother... You're that little..."

"Yes! I am Red, I am Lee Yuhyeol. I am Lee Han Se's brother and we were happy before you came, detective."

After hearing those, Detective Lee felt like his whole body became weak. He almost fell to the ground but luckily, he managed to hold and lean his hand against the wall. Little by little, he tried to connect everything. Red's familiar voice, Gong Seuk Tae's familiar presence, his dreams. The last victim named Lee Jin Hong. All of those were hints that Red was giving to him. It's slowly starting to make sense. But one question remained in his head.

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