Chapter 37 : Mixed Feelings

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Dangling lights, loud music and partying people are seen in every corner outside the bar. Fancy cars and wealthy looking people are consecutively getting inside. Everything looks fun. There must be more of this from inside but Cameron and Devius can't even take a step towards the door. They just both stood there in surprise, mouth agape as they look at the bar's name.

"PARADISE GAY BAR!?" They said in unison, both in disbelief and shock is visible on their faces.

"Cai, tell me I'm just hallucinating." Officer Chad turned to look at his partner.

"I wish for the same, Chad. I really wish this is just some kind of hallucinations." Detective Lee sighed and shook his head.

"Why would Chief Simon send us to a place like this? I can't go inside there, I'm not—I just can't!" Officer Chad's voice shouts stress.

Cameron didn't say anything, instead, he took out his phone and started dialing his superior's number. The line wasn't picked up at his first try but he wasn't gonna give up. He tried calling Chief Simon again and again and at last, the phone was picked up. He went a little farther for some space so he could talk to his superior.

"Chief, why didn't you tell us that it was a goddamn gay bar?" He started complaining when she answered the other line. 

"You didn't asked me and one more thing, what is the big deal? You're just there for business, Cameron." Sara Simon reasoned but Detective Lee isn't satisfied yet.

"Chief, do you really expect me to go in there?" He said, strongly declining.

"You're a detective, Cameron. Everyhing is just for your mission. Good luck." Then the line was cut.

"CHIEF! Hello?" He called but the call already ended.

Detective Lee could do nothing but sigh by the fact that his superior hanged up on him. Even if it's against his will to enter that kind of place because he was so uncomfortable. He knows for the fact, just like what Chief Simon said, it was for their mission. His personal feelings cannot affect his job. He returned to where Officer Chad was.

"Cai, what did Chief Simon said?" Devius asked.

Detective Lee shook his head and sighed. "It's for the mission, let's just go inside." He surrendered.

"But, Cai..."

"This mission means a lot for our case, Devius. If we succeed, we might find out Michael's mother's whereabouts. We might also find out the identity of the killer. We'll do this for the mission and nothing else." Cameron explained and for some reason, he managed to convince Officer Chad to get in.

They're still both dithering as they walk towards the entrance. Cameron's heart was beating fast from nervousness but he tried his best to act normal as they approach the main door. Officer Chad couldn't help but secretly glanced at his partner because he noticed that his reaction was far from uncomfort, he can sense how nervous he is. Devius could also count of how many times did Detective Lee's Adam's apple went up and down.

"Cai, is it your first time going inside a gay bar?" He whispered to Cameron's ear, making Detective Lee suddenly retreat out of surprise, he became even more nervous when he felt his warm breath in his ear.

"Why the hell are you blowing at my ear?" He asked in annoyance.

Officer Chad smiled awkwardly. "I'm not blowing at your ear, I was asking you if it's your first time going to this kind of place." He repeated.

Detective Lee's stared daggers at him because of his question. "Are you seriously asking me that? Do you think I'll go to this kind of places?" He gave him a fierced look.

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