thirty-six; lunar eclipse

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this chapter is very jumpy, i'm sorry but this episode is jumpy too okay

chapter thirty-six ❝ time slips by until you're lost in your mind ❞lunar eclipse

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chapter thirty-six
time slips by until you're lost in your mind
lunar eclipse


It felt like hours.

Kennedy held Stiles under the water for minutes. Isaac looked down at Allison, unsure how much longer he could do this. Deaton looked down at Scott, using the McCall as a reference to when to bring them back up. Kennedy sighed, not sure what to do.

"Okay, okay," Deaton said. Kennedy let go of them, stepping back

"And now what?" Isaac asked.

Deaton looks at them, "We wait."

Lydia and Kennedy sat next to each other on the ground. "We should eat." Kennedy muttered.

"I could go get us some coffee?" Lydia offers. "I need some...anything other than this.

Kennedy laughed tiredly. "Yeah, sure,"

Isaac looked over at Kennedy, seeing the exhausted look on her face. "Why don't you get some rest, I'm sure they'll wake you up when they do." Isaac offered. Kennedy shook her head.

"No, no, I want to be there for Stiles." She muttered. She leaned onto the wall, staring at the tins in wait. Isaac sat down next to her, looking over. She looked back at him. "How long have you liked Allison?"

The Lahey looks up, "Oh, it's not like that," Kennedy rose a brow at Isaac, causing him to slouch his shoulders. "It's kinda new. I'm not really sure what it is."

Kennedy hugged her knees, looking back at him. "And why not?" She asked him. Isaac looked at her, trying to figure out how to answer. He knew the right answer, but could he be honest?

"It's just different."

It's not you.

He swallowed the lump in his throat as he looked at her. Kennedy sighed, leaning her head on Isaac's shoulder. To her, it was nothing more than a friendly, fully platonic gesture, but for Isaac it was so much more. "Well, she's a good person. You'd make her happy." She told him softly. Isaac looked down at her, watching her stare at Stiles's tub. She loved Stiles. It'd never be what he wanted it to be, no matter how many dreams he had of it happening. It would always be Stiles.

It wasn't long until Kennedy's eyes fluttered close, her fingers linked with Isaac's as she finally fell asleep. Lydia came back with coffee, watching the Lahey just admire her oblivious best friend. The ginger smiled sadly, feeling empathy for the werewolf boy who was now trying to move on.

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