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He's kinda cute.
This single thought was racing through her brain as she watched Jansen and Michael talking on the edge of the railing. Honestly, he wasn't THAT cute, but truthfully, she hadn't seen a man quite like that ever in her life. Tall, muscular, naturally tanned with long, flowing black hair. And that little smile he gave when he wasn't exactly sure what to say next. It all added up into a nice little package that, truthfully, was starting to grow on her. She wiped her eyes, trying to clear her mind of the romantic thoughts, and she chuckled to herself, tacking all of it up to the Curse of Claritos.
She had gotten a lot better at controlling the power of the curse over the last years, but every now and then, it still got the best of her, driving her to make choices, greedy choices, that she would later regret. However, the one thing she never could learn to control was her lust. She had this big weak spot for boys of any race, of any size, and all of them could make her fall for them. But none of them were true love. That was the only way she could break the curse of the locket was to find her next true love.
She thumbed the locket around her neck, wanting to tear it off and smash it, but she knew the curse protected it and kept it from being removed, at all times.
She dreaded this moment. She knew what was coming. She knew that the curse was about to be activated. Always at the eleventh hour of the night, the necklace would scorch her skin, unless she opened it and relived the most painful memories of her life. She hated it like nothing she ever hated before, the burning rage in her heart forcing her brain to think of all the wonderful ways that she would one day get rid of the locket and smash it, thinking of all the ways she would break and tear its gears into itty little bits, ripping the strings of the music box to little smithereens.
As she was thinking these things, these wonderful ways of destroying the necklace, it suddenly grew hot around her neck. It seared and scorched her, boiling the flesh around her neck, and she tried to stave off the pain, but it burned and burned and burned, scorching the flesh of her neck until she couldn't take it anymore. She ripped open the little hatch on the locket, and she began the horror of reliving the worst memories of her life.

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