The Leviathan

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I ran straight up to the monster, wiping the torrents of rain right out of my eyes, trying to keep myself from going blind. I got right up to the monster, then grabbed its snout, reared my sword back, and jammed it right into its nose. The thing bellowed again, and thankfully it let go of the deck, but right as it did, I looked the monster straight in its red glowing eyes. As I looked into its eyes, the moment that I realized they weren't eyes, was the moment that I saw a figure sitting inside the head, piloting the giant monster. The figure was sitting in a large mechanical chair, holding onto a set of controls, like the kind that were in commercial aircraft of my world. The Leviathan peeled off the ship, then wiggled into the water and submerged out of sight.
"Marine!! Jansen!!" I yelled, fear and uncertainty creeping into my voice.
They both perked up to my voice, and Jansen came running down the stairs, with the Storyteller right behind him. Lightning flashed through the air again, blasting an echo of thunder through the storm as the crew washed and reloaded the guns.
"What is it?" Jansen asked as he joined us.
"That things a machine!" I said.
All three of them fell dead silent, and Marine looked down at the water nervously.
"What do you mean?"
"Its a submarine!"
"A what?" Marine asked.
"Its something from my world." I said. "Its a metal ship that can go underwater."
I looked down at the stormy water, but so far there still was no sign of the monster.
"We gotta keep it on the surface. Thats the only way to destroy it, unless we have depth charges."
"Depth charges?" Marine said, then looked at Jansen. "What are those?"
"Damn it, never mind." I said as the ship rocked over the waves again. "We have to open fire when the thing is on the surface."
"Okay, but does it have a weakness?"
"I don't know!" I replied. "Just have the crew aim for the eyes and mouth of the thing. Oh, and aim for the space in between the plates of armor. Just maybe there's a weakness there."
"Got it!" Jansen said, then turned to the crew. "When that bastard gets back on the surface, aim for the eyes, mouth, and chinks in the armor!!"
"Aye sir!" The crew yelled back.
"Micheal, get your spyglass and look out the front of the ship now!!" Marine yelled.
I pulled the spyglass off of the holster on my waist, put it up to my eye, and clicked it out to the maximum capacity, looking for what she was talking about. And there, about five or six hundred feet in front of the ship, was a MASSIVE, swirling whirlpool, maybe the size of a football field. The wind picked up again, and I heard the engine groaning under the stress of the storm. I clicked the spyglass close, then hooked it back on my waist before looking back at the engine.
"Is that thing in danger?" I asked, concern creeping up my spine.
Marine looked at me quizzically, then looked at the engine as it sputtered.
"I'll get some of the crew to look over it." She said. "But we need to-"
Immediately, she was cut off by a roar from the Leviathan as it surfaced again, this time on the starboard side of the ship.
"Ready the guns!!!" I yelled. "And wait for my signal!!"
All of the gunners aimed the cannons right at the charging Leviathan, but this time, I wanted to force it to dive, which would buy us some time to recuperate.
"Aim for the eyes and the snout!!!" I yelled as the Leviathan charged closer and closer. "FIRE!!!!"
The starboard cannons fired, and while most of the cannons hit the snout and mouth, a few of the cannonballs struck right against the fake eyes. The monster roared, but, right before it dove down into the water, one of the armored plates slid backwards on its spine, and a cannon popped up, aiming right at the engine.
"DUCK!!" I yelled, grabbing Marine and tackling us both away from the engine.
BANG BANG BANG!!!! The cannon fired three shots in quick succession, and one slammed into the starboard paddle, one hit the engine block, and the other dented itself straight in the funnel, sending a shower of sparks down on the deck.
"We gotta keep the thing away from the engines!" I said, helping Marine off of the deck.
I looked over at the engine, and now, it had bits of sparks and flames coming out of the funnel, and I knew that the thing was close to overloading. And I did NOT want to be anywhere near it when that happened. Finally, the Leviathan dived down below, and after just a moment, the metal monster was out of sight.
I ran straight up to railing on the side of the ship, and I looked out over the extremely stormy sea, searching for that Leviathan. Nothing on the port side, so I booked it to the port side of the ship as a wave crashed over the deck.
"Where is that thing?"
"I don't-"
About a quarter mile away, suddenly, the water exploded, and the Leviathan launched itself straight through the air, arcing through the storm as its jaw opened.
SSSCCRREEEEEEEE!!!!! The thing screeched, the mechanical whine shining through the roar.
"Oh fuck." I yelled as the gigantic robotic abomination arced through the air.
I grabbed Marine by the shoulders and shoved her behind me, trying, in a very futile attempt now, to protect her from the Leviathan, but suddenly, before any of us could react, we were all thrown to the deck as the ship came to a grinding halt. It careened to the side, and with that stop, the Leviathan slammed down in front of us, just barely clipping the front of the bow and sending another massive wave washing over the deck, soaking all of us.
"BLEAGH!!!" I coughed, spitting and ejecting all of the salty water out of my mouth and throat. "What the hell was that?"
I flailed around to get on my feet, and as soon as I did, I leaned against the drenched mast and looked straight at the anchor capstan, where I saw the Storyteller frantically pushing against one of the beams, turning the capstan to try and get the anchor up as fast as possible.
"Did you drop the anchor?!?" I yelled.
"Of course I did!!!" He yelled. "Now help me get this thing up!!"
I gave Marine a shrug, then ran straight up to the capstan, grabbed one of the beams, and began pushing the thing with all of my might to get the anchor off of the sea floor, however far down that was. I pushed and pushed, going round and round with the capstan, my legs feeling like they were burning beneath me, but finally, after nearly spinning myself dizzy, the anchor clicked back into place, and just in time, because the Leviathan had surfaced again on the port side, and through my blurry, wet vision, I saw that it was circling back and forth, sizing up our ship for another strike.
"Hold your fire!!" Marine yelled. "Wait for the thing to get close!!!"
The thing swished back and forth in the water, trying to eye in an opportunity, and, as if it was on cue, it began rushing towards us.
"Ready!!" I yelled.
It was closer now, swishing back and forth and rapidly gaining on us.
All of the crew grabbed the strings that held the flintlocks in place, and they aimed the cannons at the weak spots on the machine. However, before I could give the final order to blast the damn thing, it banked, careening on its side to turn its broadside to our ship, and before any of us could react, nine of the armor plates slid open, revealing bright blue cannons.

HoloPirates: A Tale of AdventureOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora