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In the split second that I had before being attacked, there wasn't too much that I could make out about the monstrous fish. The only thing I knew for sure was that it had the same deep orange eyes that had looked at me through the hole in the side of the shipwreck. The other details were so blurry in the flash of a moment that I had. The teeth that this thing had were long and pointy, almost like needles, and they were positioned almost like the thing was filter feeding as it smiled at me. So far, that was the only thing I could make out before the thing lunged at me and tackled me, pushing me down to the ocean floor. I tried to push it away, somehow keeping myself out of the reach of its jaws. Miraculously, I was able to keep the monster at bay with my hands, keeping him just out of jaw reach, but the thing kept lunging and coiling, trying to get the angle on me to kill me. Finally, an idea popped into my head, and I held it at bay with one hand, drew a dagger with the other, and stabbed it right in the side of the jaw. The thing let out this horrible, screeching shriek, then backed off and peeled off to the right, and soon was gone off in the distance, fading into the natural mist of the water. I swam over to Marine, every nerve in my body firing off at the same time, sending tons of tingles down my spine. When I got over to them, Marine checked me over to make sure that I was okay, then pointed at the Diving Bell, insinuating that we needed to go. I gave her a nod, then we all began to swim for the Bell, Jansen leading the charge. Marine and I both he'd our knives, keeping them for if the monster thing came back to get me. Thankfully, it seemed to have learned its lesson, and we finally got up to the Bell, Jansen climbing in first, followed by Marine, leaving me as the only one in the water. I surfaced inside of the Diving Bell, then grabbed the rungs that were on the side and pulled myself up and inside of the thing, giving Marine a sigh.
"What the hell was that thing?"
"I don't know." She said, grabbing my hand to pull me inside. "I just hope it-"
The moment she said that however, pain suddenly exploded through my leg as I felt tons and tons of the small, razor sharp pencil teeth pierce my leg, driving their points in to cut my flesh. I grabbed onto Marine and Jansen's arms in a desperate attempt to save my own life, but as I grabbed onto them, my fingers slipped, and I went right back into the water with a scream of pain. As I blinked the water out of my eyes, I felt the monster let go of my leg, and I saw it swim upward, coil around, and then, it lashed me with its tail, sending me streaming into the side of a coral reef with a stream of bubbles and a cloud of debris. I groaned, letting air out, and I brandished my knife, ready to slice and dice the fish in payment for my hurt and stinging leg. The thing circled around, looking for an opening, then came charging right at me, poised and ready to bite my head off. I dodged to the left, and I swiped the knife across its dark gray skin, cutting the flesh open and spilling blood into the water. It roared again, and this time, it circled behind me before I could react, and it grabbed me around the chest with its jaws, pushing me through the water as it swam around. I brandished the knife, ready to stab the thing right in the eye, but right before I could do that, both of us slammed against a coral reef, crushing the coral, and, more importantly, forcing me to drop my dagger, letting it fall through the water and hit the ocean floor, out of my reach. I screamed out in pain as the jaws chomped down on my again, but thankfully, my clothes were keeping me somewhat protected against actual injury, although the pain was still intense. I thrashed about, trying to shake the fish off of me, but the thing pressed the attack, forcing me through the water to attempt to wear me out. It shook me from side to side, then opened its jaws to bite down yet again, but before it could do that, I reached down, grabbed the hilt of my sword, drew it at lightning speeds, and stabbed it right through the bottom of its mouth, piercing the flesh and skewering it through the bottom jaw. The thing screamed yet again, and it peeled off of me, closing its mouth and covering its teeth with its lips, hiding the disgusting smile that the thing was wearing.
It circled around yet again as I brandished my sword, looking for an angle to strike, then, it swam right at me, poising its jaw for a strike against me. This time, however, I positioned myself to be ready for the strike, and when it was nearly on top of me, ready to bite down, I thrust my sword directly into one of its glistening, orange eyes, piercing the eye and slicing right into the monster's brain. It screamed again, but this time, near the end of the scream, the sound began to die out as the monster fish gradually slowed to a halt, then stopped moving altogether, the life leaving the only eye that wasn't destroyed. I sighed, letting out a stream of bubbles, then grabbed my sword, pulled it out of the fish, sheathed it, and swam up to the Diving Bell. The moment I got around the corpse of the fish, I saw Marine swimming through the water, holding her flintlock pistol out in front of her as she kicked through the water. I swam over to her, my leg still hurting badly from the combination of the water around me and the injury, but I bit through the pain, pressing myself through the water and towards Marine. Finally she got up to me, and before I could do anything, she grabbed me and wrapped me in a gigantic, tight hug, pressing herself against me. After just a moment, she pulled away, then grabbed my hand and started swimming back towards the Diving Bell. We finally got up to the Diving Bell, then grabbed the handholds and hoisted ourselves inside.
"Holy shit." I sputtered.
"I know." Marine said, helping me to climb inside the Bell. "Let's just get back to the surface. We got what we came for."
"Aye that." Jansen said, grabbing a small rope that was hanging from the top of the Bell.
He pulled it twice, and after just a moment, the Bell lurched, and we began to ascend, pulled up by the chains.

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