The Earthshaker

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"So you'll send ships after him?" Sebastian said, squinting his eyes so that the fires of Inferis didn't hurt him. "Ships crewed by the dead down here?"
"Yes, they're some of the greatest warrior of old, only killed by natural causes. None of them have been defeated before, so they're the best of the best down here."
"And if they fail?" Sebastian asked.
"Then I'll go after him myself." She said. "And then, once the boy is dead, we are done with deals. You leave Inferis, and you're never welcomed back, you get it, Sebastian?"
She tried to put as much contempt into his name as she could, to make it seem like his name alone made her sick, but, instead of getting a rise out of him, he simply smiled sickly while turning away from the fires that were all around them.
"As you wish, Mrs. Calliope." He replied. "Now, summon your warriors and have them ready at my comm-"
Suddenly, in the middle of his sentence, all of Inferis shook, and the fires dimmed out near-completely, giving the souls a rest momentarily. Again, it shook, and when Calli looked up at the cavernous roof of the Underworld, she saw that there were massive cracks appearing in the rocks, sending some the stalactites plummeting into the crowds of souls far, far down below. Finally, there was silence, but it was broken by a thunderous, booming explosion, and the entire castle shook as all of the windows shattered, sending glass flying down everywhere as the foundation of the castle shook.
"WHAT THE HELL IS THAT??" Kiara yelled from the inside.
Calli looked straight over at Sebastian for an explanation, but he looked just as confused. He opened his mouth to say something, but before he could, from the very top of the cavern, there was the giant hole where the new souls would enter, and suddenly, there was a massive flow of fresh souls that came through the portal, all of them having scaly fish skin, fins, and barbs that hung off of their faces and bodies. Most, if not all of them, were dressed in traditional Atlantean outfits, and Calli's heart sank.
"Wait a minute, they're all Atlanteans. Does that-?"
Both her and Sebastian grew silent as Kiara ran out onto the balcony to join them, and Calli turned to the side, waved her hand, and the sulfurous air in front of them shimmered as a purple and black portal formed, slowly expanding outward as she channeled her power to rip a hole in the fabric of space. As the portal expanded farther and farther out, the purple and black energy began to recede to the outline of the portal, and through it, Calli expected to see the city of Atlantis, in all of its glory, with the beautiful lights and the hustle and bustle of the city's inhabitants, but instead, the portal had opened to a view of the completely destroyed throne room, where her old friend, Gawr Gura, would reside, and the entire city outside of the throne room, was in complete ruin. Buildings were burning, the Leviathans were all sitting dead in the waters, and, about halfway through the city, a massive section of the land had collapsed downward, on top of the subterranean casinos, the residential area of the city having crushed the entire casino layer. The rest of the city, all the way to the outer port districts, had split into several different sections, fires burning in the massive cracks in between the broken sections. All of Atlantis was destroyed, and Calli's heart began to sink even further as she plunged herself through the portal, holding her scythe at the ready.

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