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The contestants all stood at their open doors, waiting for some kind of signal, and as soon as I saw all of them, I was nearly ready to faint. There were five groups of Atlanteans, about six of them on each team, and they all wore extremely different outfits. One group, the one closest to Gura and I, were a bunch of large warriors. They weren't muscular, but rather, they were all fatter than most of the Atlanteans, and all of them wore these hideous boar masks, matching their pink armor. To the right of them, standing maybe about a hundred feet away through the dense vegetation, there were a bunch of much smaller warriors, wearing strapped on red and black armor that glistened in the lights of the Arena. On their heads, they wore these tough looking ant masks, but instead of having antennae on the top of the heads, there were multiple spikes that looked sharp as shit. All of them carried hatchets, the heads of the small axes gleaming in the lights of the arena.
To their right, there stood the largest of the contestants, all of them being very tall Atlanteans, and they wore the absolute scrappiest armor that I had ever seen on my life, just being a bunch of belts, straps, and sheets of metal and leather that were just stuck and strapped all over them rather haphazardly. As they emerged from the door, I saw that around the stands of the Arena, most of the onlookers were rolling their eyes or just straight up booing at the scrappy warriors. Yet, even as they were booed and condescended by the crowd of the Arena, they held their weapons high and tightened their armor, readying themselves for a fight.
Next to them, as the fourth group, there were a bunch of gnarly looking warriors wearing full body armor suits, made out of a very shiny version of steel, and the armor was studded all over with bright, shiny spikes. Not a single inch of their fish skin was exposed, but rather, the metal was covering every single inch of them, offering a rather smart level of protection from the other contestants.
And finally, right next to Botan, there was the fifth and final group of contestants. These were a bunch of rather small looking people, wearing black fuzzy armor with spider helmets. However, the coolest thing about them was the fact that three of them carried these large spears that had curved blades at the end, like a spider's stinger, and they looked DEADLY.
And finally, standing alone in the middle of five doors, was Botan, doing just a few warm-up stretches as her spear laid against the wall next to her. She stretched her muscles, trying to get ready for the coming conflict, and once she was ready, she grabbed her spear and held it in her hands. However, right when i thought she was going to heft it at the ready, she tapped her spear against her bracelet, and it disappeared. She hadn't noticed me quite yet, but as she was looking around, I stood up, set the Nacho bowl on the table next to Gura, and walked straight up to the railing.
"YOU GOT THIS!!!!" I yelled, trying to carry my voice over the roar of the crowd. "KICK SOME ASS!!!!"
Sadly, my voice was drowned out by the consistent screaming of the crowd as they waited for the event to start, and I turned around to sit back down, giving Gura a shrug.
"Meh, it was worth a shot." I said.
"Aye, just hope she wins now, no?"
"Of course." I said, grabbing the Nacho bowl to watch the event.
And finally, after what seemed of an eternity, a loud buzzer sounded all throughout the arena, and the crowd roared yet again as all of the contestants readied their weapons. As everyone prepared for the coming conflict, suddenly, a loud voice echoed through the arena, produced by unseen speakers, the voice having a rough, deep gruff to it that I envied. However, the only problem was that he was speaking Atlantean, so I couldn't understand a single word that he said.
"Whats going on?" I asked, looking at Gura quizzically. "I can't understand him."
"He's explaining the rules. All injuries are fair game, no maiming or killing if you can help it, and that in the very center of the Arena, there is a golden monument, and inside the monument is a Golden Laurel Wreath, and the team that captures it and beats the other teams wins the fight."
"Oh sweet, so where is the monument? I can't see it."
Immediately, Gura gave me a little giggle, and as soon as she did, she turned to one of the servants in the room and spoke in Atlantean. The servant immediately nodded and walked over to the kitchen, and he came back with a set of glasses that had an extreme blue hue on the lenses.
"There we go!" Gura said. "Now quick, Micheal, put these on! They'll help you see both the contestants and the Wreath!"
"Sweet!!" I said, reaching out for them.
I grabbed and slipped them on, and I looked out over the area. Besides the blue hue, when I put the glasses, every single one of the teams were outlined in different colors. The Boars had a violent crimson hue that surrounded them, the Ants had a much lighter orange hue around them as they sharpened their hatchets for battle, the scrappy contestants all had brown outlines that defined them, the spiders had black outlines, and finally Botan, in the middle of her five doors, had a bright white and gold outline.
And there, in the very center of the arena, true to Gura's word, there was a large golden trident that was nestled on top of a large pile of rocks, and it glowed a very, very bright golden light in the glasses.
And right as I looked back at Botan, the horn sounded again, and the game began.

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