Heaven's Gate

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    Wow, this is actually happening.
    That was the only thought that ran through my head as I stared up at Heaven's Gate, which was this large and particularly wide brown building that sat sandwiched between a noisy tavern and a general store. No sounds could be heard coming from within, but there was a faint smell that came from the building, almost smelling like roses and other sweet flowers.
    "Well, there it is." I said, staring up at the windows. "I've never been in one of these before."
    "You haven't?" Jansen asked.
    "Aye, I've just heard of them."
    "Well, its easy. Just don't touch anything that looks sticky."
    I grimaced as he said that, and when a second wave of the rose scent hit me, I turned to Marine.
    "Wanna head inside?"
    "Aye, lets do this."
    With that, we made our way up to the heavy spruce wood door, and I gently pushed it open, causing a bell to ring just like back on my own world. Inside was very dim, just lit by small red candles, which provided excellent mood lighting, but as my eyes adjusted, I began to make out more and more details. We were in what looked like a receptionist hallway, with two branching doors that led to halls of their own, and at the very end of this hallway, maybe only twenty feet down, there was a desk that separated the hall from the room behind it. And in that room behind the desk, there was a very tall blond woman that was rifling through a filing cabinet.
    I started forward, making my way towards the desk with Marine in tow, and I passed up both doors, too focused on keeping my heart calm to look through them as I got up to the desk.
    "I'll be with you in just a moment!" The lady said, grabbing a file from the cabinet.
    She turned around to face us, and instantly, I was taken aback. She was tall and blonde sure, but she was wearing a long, ornamented dress, I think called a kimono from my world, and it was red, decorated with images of flowers that donned the bottom half of the dress. It parted at about half thigh, and it showed off her bare legs, which I tried to avert my eyes from since Marine was standing right next to me. However, the one part that really got to me about her was the fact that she had a set of black devil horns that protruded from the top of her head, glinting in the lights of the little candles that were around us.
    "Good evening ladies and gentlemen." She said to all of us. "My name is Choco Yuzuki, How may I assist you?"
    "Y-yo-you're a demon?" I stammered, almost immediately regretting the words.
    She laughed, which gave me a little bit of relief, and I noticed that behind her, there was a thin devils tail that hovered in the air, as if waiting for a command from her.
    "I am from Hell, yes, and I'd rather the title of 'succubus' but yes, I am a demon." She said, trying to suppress her grin. "Now, how many I assist you today?"
    I cleared my throat and gripped Marine's hand for backup, which thankfully, I received.
    "We'd all like two separate private sessions." She said.
    The moment she said that, Choco sighed and rubbed her temples.
    "I'm very sorry to inform you, but the private sessions are occupied for the moment." She said. "We will have one that is finished in about fifteen minutes, and another that is finished in twenty. Of course, there will be a deep cleaning after, but I'm sure you already knew that going in."
    "Aye, so is there anything that we can do in the meantime?"
    "Aye, most of our solo sessions are open for the time being, with a complimentary massage included." She said. "If you pay up front, I can send for you when its time for your private sessions."
    "Aye, that will do." Jansen said. "So, can we both go in the solo session?"
    Choco stared at him with perhaps the dumbest look on her face, and yet, even after being hit with possibly the dumbest question on earth, she still spoke in a calm, respectful manner.
    "N-no sir, thats why its called a SOLO session." She said, trying to suppress a grin once again. "It'll be two gold pieces for a session, each."
     I heard Jansen scoff behind me, followed by the sound of Noel's armor clanking into his rib cage, and I smiled as Marine paid for all of the sessions.
    "Very well, its the door on your left, pick any of the rooms and flip the card on the door to green if you want a massage, or red if you prefer to....self indulge."
    At this point, blood was roaring and pounding in my ears, and after thanking Choco, she turned around and began flipping through one of the files, leaving us alone with our thoughts. We made our way through the left door and into a large, wide hallway with a stair case at the end of it, and all down the hall, on both sides were rooms, some of the doors open and some of them closed, and behind the ones that were closed, thankfully, there were still no sounds that came from any of them.
    As Noel and Jansen branched off to find their own rooms, I stopped in front of one of the open doors, still holding Marine's hand, and I turned to her.   
    "Don't go without me." I said with a smile.
    "As if I'd dare." She said, strutting up to me.
    She placed a small, tender kiss right on my lips, then leaned into my ear.
    "Think about me, will you?"
    And without waiting for an answer, she pranced off into the room on the other side of the hallway, flipped the card to red, and closed the door. I turned back to my door, and I flipped the card to green, hoping to get a decent massage before what was to come, and I shut the door behind me, leaving me in the room. Inside was still relatively dark, but as my eyes adjusted to the darkness, I saw that there was a single bed, with nice, clean and pressed sheets, and there was a small table next to it. And on that table were an assortment of clean, crystal clear glass bottles, holding a variety of liquids that I quickly scanned through. On each of the bottles there were little labels, like "lubricant," "cooling gel," "stamina potion," and one final one that had a pitch black liquid inside, simply named "Good Time." However, underneath the name of the black drink, there was what looked like a little warning.
    "Warning, do not take too much of this. Normal serving is a half a teaspoon." I read aloud.
    I gingerly set it back on the table, trying not to take anything that looked suspicious, and I noticed that on the bed, nearly blended in, was a neatly folded white robe and a note, that read "If you flipped the card to green, strip and put this on. Otherwise, keep it nicely folded."
    With that, I stripped gingerly, still feeling a wee bit uncomfortable, and I put the robe on, which, surprisingly, was very, very comfortable, and I laid down on the bed, awaiting my massage as my heart pounded.

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