Pirate battle part two

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BANG!!! The flash of a gun lit up the deck, followed by more as our men emptied their flintlock pistols at the enemy crew. Six of their guys fell to the ground, but more of them piled in, waving their swords and yelling. Suddenly, and out of nowhere, there was a huge burst of light from the aft castle, and heat slapped me in my rain soaked face. When I looked up, Senchou was on fire, but not in a bad way. Her cape blazed with the light of the flames, and she wove it around, striking fear into the hearts of the enemy crew.
"TREMBLE BEFORE ME!!!" She roared.
Our entire crew yelled, and I joined them, yelling at the top of my lungs to scare the shit out of these guys, and when the crew charged at them, I joined in, running at full speed. One guy charged at me, and I caught his blade with my own, pushing him back and shoving his blade out of the way. I swung and cut him across the calf, then blocked again as he went on the attack, pushing me back. I ground my heels into the soaked wood of the ship, then pushed forward, attacking with my sword, but before I could see what exactly was happening and comprehend it, he backed up and aimed a flintlock pistol right at me.
CRACK!!! The pistol fired, and I felt a searing hot pain in my thigh as the bullet bore into my flesh. I cried out in pain, then lunged, slicing my sword towards his arm. The moment the sharp blade of the sword found purchase at his wrist, I cut his hand clean off. He screamed, but I didn't give him a chance to figure out what to do next. I just shoved the sword through his torso, cutting him clean through and through. I thrust his body off of the blade and down onto the deck, then grabbed his flintlock pistol and searched his bloody body for bullets. There I found three of them, but they didn't look like any bullets that I had ever seen. These were pure gray lead, and they were just a cylinder with a perfect ball stuck to the other end. That was the bullet.
I put one of the bullets in the gun and looked up just in time to see an officer of the other ship come running towards me, looking frightening as all hell. I clicked the hammer back, then aimed and shot, blowing the bullet right through his chest. He crumpled to the floor, and I saw the ship coming back in for another slam. But this time, the crew of the other ship grabbed grappling hooks and threw them at our ship, and once they hooked into the sides of our ship, the men aboard the ship began to pull, closing the gap between the ships.
The pain in my thigh was burning hot at this point. I had never felt something as painful as this before, but I pressed on, limping as more men came to attack. I reloaded, then aimed and fired, putting a bullet in the skull of this random guy, and then, I caught the blade of a sword that was coming at me from the side. I pushed away the blade, then bashed his nose in with the butt of my sword before stabbing him through the torso. I reloaded again, then stuffed the pistol in my pocket to save it for when I really needed it. I charged in, slashing with my sword, and I cut down another man, before punching him off the railing and into the sea below. Now, I felt like a true pirate. I was on a rampage, and these men trembled before us in fear.
But before I knew exactly what I was doing, I ran backwards, grabbed a rope, and swung from our ship to theirs.

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