Dance Fight

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"Micheal, its been a while since I've seen you!" She said, a wide, toothy smile growing across her face. "You kinda disappeared after the ceremony. Where've you been?"
"Oh. I've uhhh. I've just been in the casino with Gura." I said, my mind beginning to feel foggy yet again. "Where've you been?"
"Oh, just having a nice spa day with Botan. She wanted to have a nice little chitchat with me as we got pampered."
"Well, now I'm kinda jealous." I said. "The only spa treatment I got was the sauna, and then the shower with Jansen."
Her jaw dropped as we spun around, still matching our footwork so that we didn't step on each other.
"You took a shower with Jansen?" She said, stifling a giggle.
"No no no, not like that. There was a divider, and I'd NEVER do that." I said. "I think I'd rather die."
Again my head felt foggy, but this time, a new feeling came through me. It was like a flow of liquid, fiery rage was spilling down out of my brain, through my neck, and into my heart, starting to make rage spill through me. We spun yet again as I just tried to calm myself down, but I felt no sense of relief from the rage. Instead, I just gritted my teeth and stared Marine down.
"Sorry. I dont want to dance with you."
Immediately, we both stopped dancing, and she gave me a shocked expression, her red and gold eyes wavering.
"Wh-what?" She whispered, shying away from me.
"I said I don't want to dance with you." I said, the rage so full that I could feel my face turning red with blood.
"Micheal, just listen to me, please." She said, tears welling up in her eyes.
"Get away from me!" I said, this time giving her a push.
Now, I gave her one last look in her teary eyes, and I tuned my back to her, trying to find Gura. And, about ten feet away, there she was, still dancing with Cookie, and I marched straight up to them, grabbed Cookie's hands, and I wrenched him off of her, taking her hands into my own once again, and we resumed our dance as the rage began to be replaced by a slight fogginess.

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

Amelia hated noble parties, but now, here she was, keeping a watchful eye over Noel and Jansen as they danced together in the corner of the ballroom, having a nice little space all to their drunken selfs. Both of them were constantly giggling over nothing, and they were both awful dancers, constantly tripping over each other's feet as they attempted slow dancing. Amelia gave a slight chuckle as Noel tripped over Jansens feet yet again, but suddenly, she heard a commotion from the middle of the ballroom, and, through the crowd of elegant dancers, she saw Marine come streaking towards her, huffing and puffing as her face nearly glowed red with rage. Amelia immediately straightened off of the wall, a mounting feeling of concern growing over her, especially when she saw that Marine had tears in her eyes.
"Hey hey hey, what's wrong?" Amelia said, grabbing Marine by the shoulders and leading her over to the wall, away from the rest of the participants.
"Its that stupid goddess!!" She said. "Something is wrong with Micheal! I fucking hate both of them."
"Okay, first of all, try and compose yourself. You're making a scene." Amelia said bluntly. "Second off, tell me exactly what happened."
She attempted to calm her breathing down, and for the most part it was rather successful, but as she told her story, the rage stayed put in her voice.
"I went to go dance with him, because I wanted to confess to him, but after just a bit of small talk, he just snapped." She said. "And thats not like Micheal at all. He's never snapped at any of us, and first he snapped at Botan for losing his bet by leaving her to bleed on the floor of the Battle Dome, and now, he just told me to get the hell away from him."
Marine's breathing hitched over and over as she told the story, and more tears came into her eyes as Amelia tried her best to comfort her. She felt really uncomfortable, especially as people were beginning to stare, but, out of the crowd, there came that idiotic cook Cookie, with his big, bushy salt and pepper beard sticking out like a sore thumb through the crowd.
"I don really know what the hell be goin through Micheal's head, but I'm tellin ya this now, there something mighty wrong with that boy right now." He said, then gestured to his head. "Me thinks its something mighty wrong up there."
"Well, it takes one to know one, right Cookie?" She said sarcastically. "I know there's something wrong with Micheal, but I'd know it if there was something magical."
"Oh, like one of them fancy lil charm spells you have?"
"I'd know it if it was a charm spell, Cookie."
"But what if it wasn't one of them?" He said. "She is a goddess, accordin to y'all."
Before Amelia could clap back with some sarcastic remark, Marine sprang up, grabbed the monocle off of her head, and held it over her own eye, using her other hand to hold Amelia at bay.
"Marine, you'll break it!!" She hissed. "Give it back to me!"
She tried to grab it back, but she stopped herself, because she was that Marine's jaw had went completely slack.
"What is it?" She asked, her aggravation turning purely into curiosity.
"See for yourself." She said, offering the monocle back to Amelia.
She grabbed the monocle and held it over her eye, focusing on Micheal, and Gura, like every other god or goddess that Amelia had seen, was brightly glowing, this time blue for the power of the sea, but, extending from her hand to Micheal was an otherwise invisible link that glowed bright red. True to Amelia's word, it was not a charm spell, which simply makes it easier to persuade someone to like you, this was a Control spell, which was only possessed by the most powerful wizards and the Goddess of Magic herself, Shion. She had absolutely no idea how the Goddess of the Sea got her grubby little hands on the recipe for a Control spell, but as of now, she had Micheal under her control.
And unbeknownst to Amelia, Marine had gotten away from her, and she was marching straight up to Micheal.

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