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When I was much younger, my uncle Martin had a really bad accident that let him in a coma. And the whole time he was in the coma, my mother told me that he was just sleeping, and he wasn't in any pain. Good God, what a lie. The entire time I was in that coma, after doing whatever the hell I did, I felt every ounce of pain. It was a horrific tingling feeling, almost like I was in a vat of molten iron, and in the middle of it, I kept hearing random voices. All of them sounded familiar, but for some reason, I just couldn't put a name to any of the voices that I heard. I kept trying to move and regain control of myself, but, instead of just feeling like I was asleep, it was more like I was paralyzed. I was constantly trying to control my body normally, but, it just made it worse for me, since the pain intensified any time I tried to move. However, after what seemed like forever, I felt myself starting to regain control over my body, and I felt myself slowly waking up.
"Oh good God." I croaked.
I moved my hand up to my face, wiping off a massive amount of sweat, and I sat there, on the rather soft surface, jut trying to get over the knives of pain that were coursing through my veins. I twisted my torso to the left to lay on my side, and I felt that the knives of pain were slowly starting to recede, replaced by a really unpleasant lack of stamina. I scowled my face, just trying to get any sort of rest, but, after a while of failing to get rest, I just opened up my eyes, and I saw the inside of the Medical Bay of the ship, with Amelia sitting at her desk, busy jotting down notes in her journal.
She immediately turned around to the sound of my voice, and a look of relief came over her face.
"Oh good, you didn't kill yourself." She said with a laugh. "How are you feeling?"
I sat up slowly in the bed, running my hands through my hair as I groaned from my exhaustion.
"Guhh, I feel like complete shit." I said, and then, in the flash of a instant, memories started coming back to me.
Atlantis, the ballroom, the casinos, Gawr Gura, and Marine. Oh God, Marine kissed me, and then, I couldn't remember what happened. I tried as hard as I could to remember, just racking my brain to try and recollect exactly what happened, but every time I tried to do that, it would just hurt my brain.
"My God, what the hell happened?"
She laughed at that, then set her quill down on the end of the table.
"I guess I should be asking you that." She said.
"I can't remember what happened." I said. "I just remember Marine kissing me."
"Of course you remember that." She replied. "Aye, Marine gave you some osculation, but you don't remember anything after that?"
"No, not really." I asked. "What the hell did I do?"
"You just broke the city, Micheal. It was like you unleashed an earthquake. I've never, ever seen anything quite like that." She said. "Honestly, you caused so much destruction, Micheal. How the hell did you do that?"
"I don't know." I said. "I already told you that, Amelia." She sighed.
"Well, on the bright side, in the process of destroying nearly the entire city, you disabled all of the leviathans and ships, and the gigantic wall that surrounded the city was brought down, so you cleared our escape."
"We got out okay?" I asked.
"Aye. Noel and Jansen were drunk as shit, but the rest of us got aboard the ship and got out of there. Two days ago, we got out of the Rift, so we're back on the surface. You've been out for about four days now."
I sighed, trying to think over how I destroyed an entire city, but, as I was thinking, a new thought came into my mind.
"Wait, where's Marine?" I asked.
"She's up in her cabin. She's been down here for the past four days that you've been out, but she got tired today, so she went back to her cabin. She is....understandably distraught."
"Am I cleared to go see her?"
"I mean, aye, you should be fine." She said. "Take it easy, okay?"
"Aye, I will. Thanks Amelia."
I stood up from the edge of my bed, and I staggered towards the door, trying to keep myself balanced as I got used to the rocking of the ship again. I forced the door of the Medical Bay open, then slammed it shut behind me as I continued on, pushing past the empty kitchen and galley to get to the stairs, all the way up to the main deck. And finally, I was looking out at a starry sky, instead of the watery walls of either the Rifts or Atlantis. It was honestly beautiful to see the stars yet again, but, my eyes were torn away from it when I saw the Storyteller standing on the bow of the ship, appreciating the gentle nighttime breeze.
"Hey man." I said, breaking the silence of the nighttime.
He turned around with a start, and when he saw me, a massive smile came over his face.
"Well, you survived!!"
He came bounding over to me, and before I knew it, he threw his arms around me, hugging me for the first time ever. And honestly, as he held the hug, I could nearly feel the limitless power coursing through him.
"Dude, since when are you all feely?" I asked. "What happened to the stone faced god that I knew?"
"It was that girl, Chloe." He replied. "While you guys were off doing whatever you were doing in Atlantis, Chloe and I bonded, and she taught me things about this life that I had never realized."
"So what, are you, like, enlightened now?"
He smirked.
"Well, perhaps I am." He said. "And Micheal, thank you for bringing me along. I know I've said it once before, but this is actually kind of fun, in a weird way."
"Its not a problem, man." I said.
He turned back to the sea, at the distant islands that were popping up on the horizon, and he smirked to himself.
"Marine's in her cabin." He said. "You should go see her, since we're close to our goal."
"We are?"
"Yes, the region he resides in is only a three day travel from here. This may be one of the last times that you can spend time with her."
I nodded, and I turned to the cabin, noticing that it was dark on the inside.
"I'm going to see her. Have a nice night, man."
"You too. Goodnight."
I left him there, and as I strode across the deck in the twilight sky, I started to feel really nervous. At this point, I had no idea what to do. I knew that she had kissed me, but now, after somehow breaking a city, I hadn't spoken to her for FOUR DAYS now. That had to be awkward, even if I was in a coma. I slowly climbed my way up the stairs, trying to keep my footing as my throat grew drier and drier. I got to the very top of the stairs, then slowly creaked the door to the aftcastle hall open, and there, in front of me, were the doors to the second mate cabin, still empty, Jansen's cabin, and Marine's all the way down at the end of the hall. I crept along the hall as I shut the door quietly behind me, and I noticed that Jansen's door was slightly open, letting a little bit of light spill into the hall from one of his lanterns. I pushed past his room, trying not to disturb him, but as I passed, I peeked into Jansen's room, and there he was, sitting on the bed with Noel, and they were both taking shots of alcohol, probably getting thoroughly drunk in the process of their little game. He leaned in, saying something that was too quiet for me to hear, and both of them started laughing, with Noel grabbing one of the shot glasses and downing it quickly. I smirked at the two of them, still hidden by the darkness, and I turned to Marine's cabin, giving it a little knock.
From the inside, there was a rustling, followed by two thumps, and footsteps getting closer and closer to door, until the lock slid, and the door opened, finally showing Marine, in the same night clothes that she had worn a while ago, and she slapped her hand over her mouth.
I put my finger over my lips, pointing at Jansen's room with the other, and she nodded, before grabbing my hand and dragging me into the cabin with her, shutting the door behind her and turning back to me. She gave a small laugh, and I held my arms out as she giggled. Immediately, she thrust herself right into my arms, hugging me while laughing her head off.
"OH MY GOD I THOUGHT YOU WOULD DIE!!!" She said, her voice breaking very, very slightly.
She pulled out of the hug as I laughed, but, right when she pulled out, she punched me in the arm, rather hard.
"Ouch, what the hell was that for?"
"For not waking up sooner, sleepy head!"

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