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As I held Marine in the lights of the Captains Cabin, I felt her heart beating against my chest. I snuggled her closer to me, but suddenly, she pulled back slightly, looked up from my chest, and pressed her lips right onto mine, kissing me as the ship rocked over another wave. Honestly, I kind of expected her to let go after kissing me, but instead, she leaned back, parted her lips again, and slammed right back onto me, pushing me closer and closer to the couch in the corner.
"Whoa, come on, calm down a little bit." I said.
She just wasn't listening. She just pushed me farther and farther, until the backs of my knees hit the couch, and I buckled, twisting my body around until I was laying on my back against the couch. Without a second to wait, Marine set both of her hands on my chest, threw her leg over me, and mounted me on that couch, before leaning down to me with a big smile on her face. She stopped and stared at me, maybe only inches away, and her hair came down around me, almost like a curtain that shielded both of our faces from the world.
"Well, I'm glad I came up here." I said, trying to get some of my breath back.
"I mean, I had to welcome you back to the land of the living somehow, right?" She said.
"I'd say its a pretty good gift."
"Well, who said its the only gift you'll be getting?"
"Oooo, what does that mean?" I asked with a smirk.
She leaned down and kissed me again, but this time, I could only watch helplessly as she leaned back up, unbuttoned her pajama top, and slid it off, revealing her in just a bra and the pajama pants. My eyes went wide as I soaked in the sight of her, and she laughed yet again, before tracing her hands over my chest.
"How far do you wanna go?" She asked.
The moment she said that, something snapped in my mind, and while I was willing to go further, something in my mind stopped me.
This isn't the time. You just got out of a coma. Wait for a better moment.
"Uhhh, lets just keep it a little bit...calm, for now."
She gave me a smirk, then leaned down and kissed me, her hanging breasts pressing against my chest as she pressed her lips onto mine.
"If you're a little scared, you can tell me. I swear, I won't judge or make any jokes."
I grabbed onto her shoulders and pulled her in for a hug, pressing her body against me, and I started to place little kisses along the side of her neck.
"Its-its not like I'm scared. I've done this before."
The moment those words left my mouth, I bit my tongue in regret, and I waited for the inevitable barrage of comments about "I thought you only had eyes for me" and all that other crap from girls that I knew, but instead, Marine moaned slightly as I kissed the side of her neck.
Oh thank God. I thought. Thank God you're different.
"Its just, uhh, I want to save it for a better moment." I said, desperate to fill the growing awkward silence. "I don't really wanna bang it out now, so just give it some time."
She wrapped her arms around my neck, holding onto me tighter, and I brushed my hands over her bare back.
"I understand." She said. "But can you stay here for the night?"
"It was kinda my plan, not gonna lie." I said, huffing out a laugh. "I wanted to sleep here tonight."
"Well, why don't you stay here." She whispered in my ear. "Forever?"
"Will I be the Captain?"
She leaned up from her position, and she gave me a toothy smile.
"Not a chance in the world." She said. "Trust me on that."
"Well, what promotion does the job come with?"
She turned her eyes upward, faking like she was trying hard to think, and finally, after just a little bit, her eyes opened up wide like she had a nice idea.
"Welllll, I think you could become a nice boyfriend." She said. "And, maybe a second mate, with a cabin all to yourself. But I think you might not be too keen on that."
"I'm a bit happier than you realize." I said, then scrunched my face up like I was angry. "I just don't show it. I got that stone face."
She laughed loudly, then dipped her face down and kissed me yet again.
"Jeez, you really like kissing." I said.
"Mmmm aye, I do."
Finally, she got up off of me and stood next to the couch as I sat up, and she grabbed my hand, trying to pull me towards the bed. However, as she tried to pull me, I hooked my other arm around the side of the couch, anchoring me to the surface so that it made it nearly impossible to move me.
"Oh come on!!" She said. "Will you just cooperate?"
I gave in to her with a laugh, and she pranced over to the bed before climbing in and throwing the sheets open for me to climb in. I slipped into the bed with her, trying to get comfortable as she wiggled around, cuddling up to me.
"Can you like, stop?" I said suppressing a grin as she pressed herself against my side.
"I'm just trying to get comfortable." He said. "Just gimme a second."
She crossed one of her legs over mine, and she finally stopped and sat still, lightly breathing.
"So, will you?"
"Will I what?"
"Be my boyfriend?" She said. "I'm serious about that."
"Oh. Absolutely." I said. "Aye, I'd love to."
She immediately squealed from happiness, and she started clapping to herself.
"Oh Micheal, I've been waiting to hear that!" She said. "I wanted to ask you that in the Ballroom, but, you know, we got interrupted."
"Aye, but there isn't anything to interrupt us now, is there?"
She gave me a smile, and I felt my heart do little laps in my chest.
"Aye, no interruptions."
And with that, both of us began to drift off to sleep, aided by the rocking of the waves and the gentle nighttime breeze.

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