A Nice, Peaceful Beginning

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That stupid, annoying alarm clock finally woke me up, shaking me from my sleep worse than anything I ever experienced.
"Urrrggghhhhh come on." I moaned, not wanting to get out of bed.
"Micheal, turn that damn thing off!!" I heard my mother yell from the other room.
I groaned again, then reached over and slapped my alarm clock, shutting it off. I reached up and rubbed my eyes, trying to get the sleep out of them, but, once again, my mother's angelic voice resonated through the air.
"¡Saca tu culo perezoso de la cama, Michael!" She shrieked.
"Wow, that's mean," I mumbled. "¡Si, mama!"
And with that, I got up from the bed, placing my hands on the bedsheet, and I finally got up, stretching my muscles to try and pop everything back into place. I groaned as all of the joints clicked right back into their respective places, and I yawned, getting rid of the rest of the sleep in my voice.
"Micheal, your breakfast is ready, so get in here!"
I yawned again, and I put on deodorant, slipped my outfit for the day on, and combed my long, black hair, loving how all of my shoulder-length hair looked. I shaved my beard, not wanting to have the look of those weird men that never shave and just have that horrific stubble all over their faces. Once my face was baby-smooth, I slapped some moisturizer on my face, and grabbed my backpack, slinging it over my back and walking out to our small dining room, where my mother was standing at the stove, slicing some corn tortillas into four pieces each and frying them. I took in a big breath, smelling the frying food, and I turned to my mother.
"What's for breakfast?" I asked, scaring the life out of her.
"¡Dios mío Micheal!" She said, her thick Spanish accent shining through her voice. "You scared the hell out of me."
"Sorry, Ma," I replied, plunking my backpack on the ground right next to the table. "Sooo, what's for breakfast?"
"Chilaquiles." She answered. "For your last day at school, I made your favorite!"
"No way. Really?"
"Yeah, but you better not get into trouble today, or I'll tan your ass in the street."
"I won't Mom, I promise," I said. "I'll try, I swear."
As she was frying the Chilaquiles, I saw her shake her head and wiped her forehead in exasperation.
"Micheal, I'm serious this time, mi hijo." She sighed. "Don't get into any trouble. I really can't do it anymore."
"I got it, mom, I promise I'll try my best today."
That seemed to work. She slouched her shoulders, a bit more relaxed now, and she put the beautiful-looking chilaquiles on a plate and set it on the counter, wiping her hands with a rag.
"I have to go to work, but I'll be picking you up from school once it lets out. Then, we're going to the park."
"After school??" I said.
"Si, hijo." She replied, giving me a large and tight hug. "Now, eat up and get outside for the bus, before I throw you out myself."
She ruffled my hair with a smile, and I dug straight into that chilaquiles, tearing them apart with a ferocity that only came with mom's chilaquiles. Finally, after stuffing my face full of them, I grabbed my backpack, hugged my mother, and headed out for the bus.

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

I huffed as I sat back in my seat, listening to Mr. Tillet as he droned on and on about the history and significance of World War 2. I was bored beyond compare, but still, I couldn't say or do anything, all because of my promise.
"Micheal." I heard my friend whisper behind me. "Micheal!"
I slightly turned around, and I saw this kid, Paolo, sitting just a row behind me. He wasn't even really my friend, but he was this short, weird kid that somehow weaseled his way into my friend group. However, before I answered, I turned to make sure that Mr. Tillet's back was still turned.
"Dude, Micheal!" He whispered again, and this time, I turned around.
"What's up, Paolo?" I hissed, trying to keep my voice down.
"You hanging with us after school?"
"Not today dude," I said. "I'm going home after this."
"Oh come on, it's the last day of school." He whispered back. "Last time we're gonna be here for a while, so why not?"
"No dude, I'm going home today," I said. "And I ain't backing down from this, man. Leave me alone today."
"Fine." He said, leaning back in his chair as I turned around. "Pussy."
Immediately, and before I could do anything to stop it, rage began to swell up inside of me.
"What the fuck did you just say?" I said, way louder than I should have.
"Hey!!" Mr. Tillet said. "I don't mind swearing, but Micheal, you really shouldn't-"
I wasn't even paying attention. Now, I stood up, nearly slamming my knees into the bottom of my desk, and I faced that slimy little weasel Paolo, and as I towered over that little coward, he shifted and squirmed in his seat, clearly uncomfortable now that he had made me angry. I walked right up to his desk, pressing my waist against it, and I reached down, and with both hands, I grabbed Paolo by his shirt and lifted him straight out of the seat, my mind nearly burning with rage.
"Say it again. I swear to fucking God, say it again. I'll choke you out right fucking here."
He squirmed and wriggled under my grip, clearly trying to get away, but I wasn't having it, which I think he slowly began to realize. As if it had suddenly struck him, he stopped wriggling, and he looked me straight in the eyes.
"I said you're a pussy!" He said, and, on the word pussy, he spits right in my face.
Immediately, I was sent straight over the edge. In a blind rage, I grabbed him by the neck, slammed him against his desk, and started mercilessly striking him straight in the face. The first punch rocked his face back, the second hit broke his nose, and the third split the skin on his face open. Blood spilled all over my hand as I kept striking him, but suddenly, just as I was about to hit him for the eighth time, I felt someone grab both of my arms and force me backward, pulling me off of Paolo's bloody face.
"Get the fuck off of me, man!!" I shouted, trying to free myself.
I turned my head to see who had grabbed me, and there was Mr. Tillet, holding me back to give Paolo a chance to live after what he said. As soon as I saw that it was Mr. Tillet, some of the anger drained out of me, and it was immediately replaced by a sinking feeling.
I had broken my promise.

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