Old Frenemy

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"God its too hot down here."
She adjusted her glasses as she basked in the light of the fires of Inferis. It was nice sometimes, just to sit out on the balcony of her palace, but today, the fires were nearly scalding her as they roasted the evil souls alive. She groaned, then sat up and stretched her arm out towards the flaming fields, and immediately, the fires that were closest to the Palace were extinguished completely, and the souls that were contained within the fires were flung back into the blazes behind them.
"Damn. Can't get any peace and quiet out here." She mumbled, slinking back in her chair and grabbing her drink from the table.
"Shouldn't have become the Goddess of Death, then."
Immediately, she dropped her drink back onto the table and turned around, trying to face the woman that spoke to her, and there, right across the obsidian and golden balcony, was her old friend, Kronii Ouro, the Goddess of Time. Surprisingly, she was almost exactly the same as the last time that Calli had seen her, hundreds of years ago. She was a bit taller than Calli herself, and she had a rather muscular build with large busts and shoulder length blue hair that was held up with a gray chain that ran across the top of her head. She wore the exact same outfit that she had seen her in last, which was this rather beautiful white shirt that was covering an unknown black undergarment, and there was a large blue ribbon on he chest that was slightly covering her breasts. Around her waist, there was a rather short black and thin white striped skirt, but it was met at the mid thigh by black tights that extended down to her blue and gold high heels. But, on the very top of her head, there was a spinning set of clock hands that was suspended in mid air above the crown of her head. And finally, hanging around her waist and slung across her back was a set of swords, adorned with beautiful clock designs.
Immediately, Calli stood up from the chair and grabbed her scythe, putting the handle of it against the ground and leaning on it as she stared Kronii down.
"What do you want, Kronii?" Calli said, sounding more exasperated than she was willing to admit. "In three thousand years, not a single one of you has come down here. You, Fauna, Mumei, Vanhadrien, hell, even Shion, you guys treated me like an outcast along with the rest of the gods."
"Well, the Godess of Nature and the Goddess of Humanity don't have much business down here in Inferis. Neither would the God of the Sun, or the Goddess of Magic. And why would we? What business do we have down here?"
"Exactly. So can you please leave now?"
"I was getting to that, but I would like to catch up first. You haven't been in the celestial plane for three millennia. We all kinda miss you up there."
"Oh come on Calli. You can't be serious."
Before Calli could do anything, Kronii grabbed the back of the chair that was right next to Calli and sat down, taking off her high heels and stretching her legs, apparently basking in the hellish fires all around her.
"Calli, you've been moping around down here for the longest time. When's the last time you talked to someone that wasn't Kiara?"
"Not too long ago."
"Okay, besides Sebastian?"
"Still not too long ago. There's this kid that Sebastian wants dead, and I've been, well....'talking' to him. I tried to kill him twice, but when I tried to kill him the first time, he woke up before my powers could have any effect."
"What about the second time?" She said, crossing her legs over each other.
"He caught me off guard. I just can't do it, Kronii."
"The Goddess of Death can't kill someone?"
"It's not like that, come on." She said. "He could've asked Oga, or Shien, or Haachama. Hell, he could've asked you. Or any of the other gods."
Kronii sat straight up in the chair, and she looked Calli right in the eyes.
"Calli, you really don't realize what's happening, do you?"
"What do you mean?"
"Most of the gods are hiding. Sebastian is too powerful, and Shien, Oga, and Fauna are all gone."
Calli perked up and stared right back at Kronii.
"What do you mean 'gone'?" She asked. "How is the god of war, the god of thieves, and the goddess of nature gone?"
"Sebastian has captured all of them for failing him. He's holding them in his fortress in the Deep Fire."
"They failed him?"
"Yeah, first it was Shien, who was tasked to send pirates after them to kill them, and the pirates failed, so there went Shien. Then Fauna, who was told to use the animals on her little Isle to capture and kill them, and boop, Fauna's gone. Then, and just recently, Oga failed him twice when they busted out of that prison and killed the Bounty Hunters. So poof, Oga, so now, the rest of the gods have left the material world and fled to the Celestial Plane, where Sebastian can't find us."
She pursed her lips, then readjusted her ribbon before turning back to Calli. As she tried to not pay attention to the burning souls around her, Calli saw that, deep in her eyes, Kronii was worried, probably for the first time in a millennium.
"You can come with us, Calli." She said. "You and Kiara can come to the Celestial plane with us."
"Kronii, you know I can't do that. I can't just leave Inferis, and I can't leave Kiara again since she can't come into the Astral Plane. Plus, I have a plan for dealing with Sebastian."
Kronii immediately gave her a doubtful look, and Calli almost knew why.
"Do you genuinely think that you, Mori Calliope, the Goddess of Death yourself, can perform better in a fight than the literal god of war? Sebastian CRUSHED Oga under his boots without much of a fight. He'll crush you too, Calli."
"Perhaps not." She said. "He fought the god of war, but he hasn't fought a goddess of death at full power."
Kronii gave her another doubtful look, but, after just a moment, she let up.
"Well, I must get back to the Time Palace, as I must finish my evacuation to the Celestial Plane." She said. "There's three days left to take up the offer, and after that time, we'll be sealing up the Celestial Plane, and you're on your own. Good luck to you, my old friend."
Calli gave a smile at that comment, and she stood up, offering her arms out for a hug from Kronii, who happily obliged, popping up on her feet and taking her hug.
"We really have missed both of you." Kronii said, her voice muffled by Calli's shoulder. "If you take him down, send me a sign, and we can catch up, okay?"
"You got it." She replied, letting go of the hug. "See you later, Kronii?"
She turned around, and waved her hand, forming a bright blue, shimmering portal appeared, showing Kronii's Time Palace in all of its glory. With one last look over her shoulder, she gave Calli a smile, and she turned back to the portal, walking back to her Time Palace and leaving Calli alone.

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