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The lady, Fauna, sat down in her throne, crossing one leg over the other, and she reached down to something below the throne, and when she came back up, I noticed a beautiful, shiny golden apple resting in her right hand.
"You think Senchou would like that apple?" I said to Jansen.
"Aye, I bet she would, why?" He replied.
"Because I have a very stupid idea."
I looked right at Fauna.
"Hey, how about a bet?" I yelled up to her.
"A bet? Like a wager?"
"Yeah, exactly. You up for it, or are you a giant wuss?"
The arena fell DEAD silent. None of the animals spoke a single word, and I knew why. I had easily trapped Fauna in the deal. If she accepted, she would have to accept the terms of the deal. If she rejected it, she would seem weak, in front of everyone. She shifted uncomfortably in her chair, then faced me again, her eyes almost burning a hole in my soul.
"Very well, what is the wager?"
"If I beat Botan, by myself, you have to give me one of those apples, and let all four of us go free."
The arena was still silent, all the way up to that point, but all of the animals suddenly burst out laughing, the arena echoing in the roaring laugh. I didn't let it affect me at all, and I just stared down Fauna, who eventually, when she noticed me, gradually stopped laughing.
"Very well, SeaBoy. If you beat Botan, by yourself, I'll let you go free. With an apple as well."
"Alright. I accept the deal."
"And so do I."
She reached up, and she clapped twice, and Pekora came out of the metal doors again, ushering at Noel and Jansen. But before they left, Noel and Jansen turned to me.
"You sure about this?" He asked.
"Aye, she seems tough, Micheal." Noel added.
"I'm gonna be honest, I'm probably gonna get my ass kicked." I said, spitting on the ground. "But, I just don't want to see you guys get hurt, okay?"
They both nodded, then they were brought out of the arena by Pekora. Just about a minute later, I saw them enter the room that the Storyteller was in, all three of them looking at me with huge eyes. I gave them a reassuring nod, then I heard a loud clank that came from behind me. When I turned around, I saw that my sword was resting on the rocks, having been thrown down by Fauna, who gave me a sweet smile while her eyes shone with a murderous intent behind them.
BANG!!!!! I turned around, and the door that Pekora had come through slowly opened up again, and once it opened, Botan stepped through. But what struck me the most was that she had a muscular build, claws at the tips of her fingers, and pearl-white hair that fell all around her shoulders. And atop her head were those lion ears that I had seen, right before she had knocked me out before. She held no weapon as she walked through the doors, but just as she entered the arena, she slapped a metal bracelet on her wrist and a gigantic spear seemingly burst forth from it magically. And as she trotted towards me, she held the spear so hard that her knuckles turned yellow.
"Any last words?" She said bluntly.
"Come at me."
She gave me a lion's roar, then, she charged right at me. In that moment, I didn't exactly know what to expect, but I just didn't expect her to be that FAST. She raced over to me, covering the distance between us before I could even react, and she slammed the blunt edge of the spear right against my cheek, nearly knocking the teeth out of my mouth and causing me to slam against the wall.
The crowd cheered loudly, clearly rooting for Botan, and I ducked my head to the side just as her spear plunged itself into the wall right next to me. I tried to dodge to the left, but she kicked me in the side and sent me on the ground. At this point, I was at a major disadvantage. I hadn't even hefted my sword, and yet, she was pressing the attack with the spear, threatening to put it right through my chest. I backed up on the floor, my feet kicking out wildly, and I attempted to plant one of those kicks right in her face. But, the moment I kicked out, she grabbed my foot, forced me off the ground, and she used my leg to swing me through the air and down on the ground, where I landed with a crash.
The wind was immediately knocked right out of my lungs, and I writhed on the ground, attempting to get away from Botan. But, before I could crawl away from her, she planted her foot down on my hand, almost crushing it, and she grabbed me by my hair, lifted my head up, forced me on my feet, then reared her fist back and landed a strike right to the center of my face, spewing blood from my nose. She reared back again, then landed a second strike, before she grabbed my face with both of her hands, reared her own head back, and smashed the top of her head into my face, splitting my lip open and letting blood flow freely down my face. She gave me a slight shove, pushing me back, and she planted a kick right to my stomach, striking me with so much force that I flew across the Arena and smashed down against the bars of the cell that my friends were kept in. I briefly looked over at them through my blurry vision, and I saw Jansen standing there, his mouth wide open, and there was Noel, standing right next to him, having her mouth covered with her hands as she stared in disbelief as the crowd of animals roared in triumph.
"Come on man! You can win this! Just stab her dude!" Jansen said, shaking himself out of the trance.
"Easy f-for you to s-say." I said, having trouble forming words.
I clumsily got to my feet, and I raised my cutlass, holding it out in front of me. My mind began racing, and I began to formulate a strategy as Botan stalked around, attempting to get the angle on me.
I can't beat her by playing defense. I have to stall her and strike when she is least expecting it.
With that, Botan came running at me, threatening to run me through with the spear. However, this time, I swung my sword and knocked the metal end out of the way. The moment I knocked it out of the way, I ducked as she swung the opposite end of the spear towards me, and I dodged out of the way.
"I will impale you! You cannot run!" She yelled in frustration.
She came back at me, and I instinctively raised my sword just in time to block another strike from the spear. At this point, I was just barely putting up a good enough defense to keep myself from dying, and, I couldn't strike back, which might buy me just a split second to come up with a plan. She struck forward, thrusting with the spear, and I took that oppurtunity to strike the spear away, then I raised my foot and planted it right on top of hers. She gave me that lion's growl again, and this time, she gave me a hard shove to regain her own ground.

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