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She looked out over the vast valleys, mountains and plains, where all of the burning souls were screaming in pure agony as the fires of Inferis roasted the evil souls alive for all of eternity. After nearly an eternity of ruling Inferis, she had grown quite used to the sounds of the many evil souls boiling alive and shrieking in agony. In fact, over time, she began to see it as rather soothing, knowing that all of the truly evil people were getting what they deserved.
"Calli?" A woman's voice called from the other room.
"Are you moping in front of the window again?"
Damn her. She thought, smiling to herself. She knows me too damn well.
"Yeah, how did you know?"
"Because you're not in here moping in front of me."
Calli chuckled, then looked away from the window, brushed her pink hair out of her face, and strode into the other room, where her wife, Kiara, was laying on the couch, reading a book that had fallen from the surface world and had been recovered. She was truly beautiful, having purple eyes, and orange hair that, around her shoulders, transitioned into a very pretty green. She wore a dominantly orange dress that extended to the white tights that covered the rest of her legs. As Calli looked around the room, her eyes landed on the bookshelf, and that made her think. Kiara never liked any of the books that Inferis had to offer, because they were mainly about death, destruction, and atonement of mistakes, which was quite morbid. She mainly preferred fantasy books that could take her to another land, outside of Inferis.
Calli sighed, then sat on the couch, straight up, refusing to relax, until she thought of how that might attract Kiara's attention and alert her to the things that were bothering Calli. Unfortunately, however, Kiara noticed, yet she refrained from outright confronting her about it. Instead, she sat up, sat crisscrossed, and patted her hand on her thighs.
"Lay down, I know you've had a stressful day."
Calli sighed, then did as asked and laid her head on Kiara's thighs, her white shawl and pink hair going nearly everywhere. As soon as she did, she felt the stress of the last few weeks just evaporate right off of her shoulders, as if it never existed in the first place. She wanted to tell Kiara so much about what was happening, with the threats Sebastian made, but in that moment, the only thing she could do, was cry.
"Oh Calli, what's the matter?" Kiara asked, brushing Calli's hair out of her face. "Was it that kid again?"
"Yeah, it was." She said. "I tried to choke him to death, but it didn't work."
"I don't get why he wants him dead so badly." Kiara answered, brushing Calli's tears off of her face.
"Honestly, I really hate him. That boy doesn't deserve to die."
"Who do you hate? Sebastian?"
"Yeah him." She said. "I was so blind to his motives when I could have defeated him."
She started to choke up her words, her breath hitching as she began to sob, but Kiara picked her up by the shoulders, pushed her gently down on the couch, and very slowly climbed on top of her, until she rested her face in her arms, planting her elbows on the couch surface, on either side of Calli's face. She stared Calli right in the eyes, then slowly leaned down and pressed her lips onto Calli's, causing the Mighty Mistress of Death to nearly melt right into the kiss. Kiara slowly pulled out of the kiss, looking her in the eyes, and she finally broke the silence.
"Don't worry Calli. I'm here for you, every step of the way, I promise."
Calli looked at her, and in that moment, she was reminded of times before Sebastian had fallen from the stars and enslaved some of the gods. She was reminded of the time before he was threatening her and Kiara, of those good times. And, just as she was thinking of them, Kiara leaned down, and she whispered in her ear.
"Follow me." She whispered, gesturing to their bedroom.

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