Feeling great

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My eyelids fluttered open, and I still heard that roar. That roar of the blood rushing in my ears. I looked to my left as the roar subsided, and I saw Senchou sitting in a chair about four feet away, her arms crossed over her chest as she was sleeping peacefully. Tiny snores came out of her as her captains hat drooped on her head. As my eyes focused more and more and I blinked the spots out of them, I saw that there was a bottle of rum right next to her, all empty as it rolled sadly on the deck. I looked to my right, and there was another guy, just standing about ten feet away over another cot, tending to another wounded man. He looked like the medic, so I decided that now wasn't the best time to bother him. Instead, I sort of sat up in my cot, ignoring the pain in my chest, and I looked down. They had taken my shirt off to operate on me, and I saw that there was a now stitched up hole in my chest, still looking like the ugliest battle scar that I would carry for the rest of my life. I grimaced as I looked at it in the light if the room, with the area around the wound going from my natural brown skin to a twisted, scarred shade of tan.
"Oh great, another injury." I muttered quietly.
I flopped back in the bed, and my eyes drifted to the lantern that was swaying with the motion of the rocking ship above my head.
I looked to my left, and I saw that Senchou was kind of half awake, rubbing her face with her hand.
"Hey." I croaked.
She instantly snapped awake at the sound of my voice, and she looked at me incredulously, and I could see a massive amount of relief in her eyes.
"MICHEAL!!!!" She screamed, throwing herself on me in a hug.
She squeezed me so hard that it hurt, just pulling me into the tightest hug that I had ever felt in the entirety of my life. But then, out of nowhere, she backed out of it, and she gave me the angriest look before smacking me on my collarbone.
"Ow! What was that for?"
"That was for risking your neck for me." She said. Even though she said it, I could tell there was an underlying tone of gratification to her voice. "You could've died Micheal."
She rubbed her temples with her fingers, then looked at me in an apologetic way.
"Thank you though." She said quietly.
I nodded.
"Sure thing. Anytime."
"Here, let's take a walk. Getting out of the musty air will help you quite a bit."
She reached to the seat she had been sitting on, and she grabbed something I couldn't quite see. But when she held it to the light, I saw, clearly, that it was a beautiful and ripe apple. But, this apple had a slight purple sheen to it.
"Eat it. It'll heal you good."
"Where the hell did you even find this thing?"
"They're pretty common around this side of the world. They'll heal you, but they won't save your neck."
I took it out of her hand and munched it, tasting the pop of the juice and the explosion of apple flavor that came right after it. It was beyond delicious, especially since I loved apples. But then, the weirdest thing happened. There was a sudden burning pain, both in my chest and in the gunshot wound on my thigh. I clenched my fists and gritted my teeth, trying to stave off the pain, but then, Senchou grabbed my shirt and unbuttoned it, exposing my chest and the source of the pain, which was the bullet wound. As we both watched, the bullet wound molded and grew, closing by itself, and the horrific discoloration of my skin, all the hideous blues and reds and deep blacks, all of them blotched and disappeared, fading away until they returned to my normal color. After maybe a minute of the excruciating pain, both of the healing bullet wounds were fully healed, as if it had never happened.
"See?" She said. "Good as new!"
She patted my chest, which was weird but cute, and then, she buttoned my shirt back together, but I swatted her hands away playfully.
"I can button my own shirt, mom." I said, sticking my tongue out at her.
She scoffed playfully, then walked me over to this mirror, and when I got a good look at myself, I gasped.
"Oh jeez." I said.
The scar on my face where the first guy had cut me hadn't fully healed. It was still an ugly scar, a mark left over from the battle to always remind me of the vicious fighting that took place that day.
"You've been out for two days." She said, joining me by the mirror. "We've all been so worried about you. Mind if we go and see them?"
"Sure thing."
She led me out of the infirmary, where about five other crew members were sleeping off their injuries, and we got out to the gunnery deck. We navigated our way around the cannons, then got to the stairs and went up to the two level aft castle. Underneath Senchou's captain cabin, there was the cabins for Jansen, the second mate, the third, and the bosun. We entered the hallway and passed up three of the doors, then came up to the fourth door and gave it a knock.
There was a rustle, followed by a loud thud, and then the sound of Jansen cussing angrily. He finally jiggled the doorknob, and then, he opened the door, peeking out with a burning candle in his hand. However, the moment he saw me, his eyes lit up as he flung the door open. He grappled me, then pulled me into a really warm hug.
"DUDE I'M SO GLAD UR SAFE!!!" He yelled, probably much to the dismay of the bosun and the other mates.
I returned the hug, squeezing him tightly, and he grabbed the candle, looking right at Senchou.
"This one didn't leave your side any longer than an hour. She was there the entire time."
I looked over at Senchou, and I saw that her entire face was red with the deep hue of a blush.

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